Saving the Queen/ Y/n Arrested!

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Soon You, Lucca, and Frog had all entered the Catacombs of the Damn Cathedral where you all had to Fight a Bunch of Fiends and soon you had all ended up going towards An Office where the Chancellor is and he had the queen held Hostage!

Frog: Chancellor?

Chancellor: Huh? What are you-?

Y/n: Cut to the chase! We know what are you!

Lucca: We do?

Chancellor: Fine then, Our Lord shall Prevail.

He then Transformed into A Giant Monster!

Lucca: EEEK!

Y/n: Frog Pin him Down!

Frog: What?

Y/n: NOW!

Frog: Right!

Frog then began slashing at the Fiend Pinning him down as you charged at him!

Y/n: Ittoryu: Death Lion song!!

You then slashed through the Giant Monster Killing as the real Chancellor came out Chest smiling!

Y/n: Sir?

Real Chancellor: Oh, Thank you! You saved me and the Queen!


King: Oh, My Queen, I thought you were gone forever!

Queen: Oh, I'm sorry my King, I was captured for so Long.

Real Chancellor: Sire Might I suggest harsher Punishment for future crimes to deal with kidnappings?

King: Oh Of course. Thank you, Young Man! I truly appreciate it!

You and Lucca then ran over to the Room where Marle had disappeared, and she reappeared!

Y/n: Marle are you Okay?

Marle: Yeah... I was somewhere... Dark and Cold... And... I couldn't see anything nor feel anything... Was that it was Like to be dead?

Lucca: Okay Princess I think it's time you told us everything.

Marle: Oh Right, I am so sorry. I am Actually Princess Nadia of the Kingdom, but I only lied so no one would Treat me differently. I'm sorry.

Y/n: Hey It's Okay Marle. I don't care. I Still really Like you.

Marle: (Blushing) Oh Thank you...

Soon You had all ended up At the Time Portal where Lucca smiled Pulling out An Item.

Lucca: You see I have discovered these are Portals through time and I call them Gates, and I can control them with this! The gate Key!

Y/n: Oh, That is really Cool!

Lucca: Thanks!

Time Skip!

You had all Gotten back to the Original Timeline, so you walked out with Marle back to her Castle when suddenly the Current Chancellor showed up!

Chancellor: So, you're the one who kidnapped the Princess!

Y/n: What!?

Chancellor: Men Hold Him!

Marle: But Chancellor he didn't do anything! He-

Chancellor: Silence! Take this Man to court!

Y/n: That's A Damn Lie and you Know it!

Marle: But Chancellor!

Chancellor: SILENCE!

Time Skip!

After A Quick Trial You were Proven Innocent but still sentenced to Jail to make things safe and when you got to the warden things got Bad.

Warden: Ah what is he in for?

Chancellor: He is sentenced to death.

Y/n: WHAT!?

Warden: That wasn't in the-

Chancellor: Well, I say it is!


You then Sucker Punched him as you were held back!


Warden: Y-Yes Sir!

You were locked into A Cell, and of course you had Begun to annoy the Guard as you then Knocked them out, and you began Busting your way out to quickly Knock out everyone, but soon An Explosion Happened and Lucca appeared!

Y/n: Lucca?

Lucca: Y/n?

Y/n: What are you doing here?

Lucca: I was Helping you escape!

Y/n: Well, Let's get going!

Lucca: Right!

You both then Began to escape the damn Prison as you then ended up at the Bridge where soon you had both seen where A Dragon shaped Tank rolled up piloted by the Chancellor!


Y/n: Shut up. Light Grenade.

You then Blew up His Tank as he then fell down and grabbed the bridge making A Human bridge.

Chancellor: HELP ME!

Y/n: FUCK NO!!

Lucca: Wow, you are done with him.

Y/n: Of course, I am. He tried to Unjustly Kill me!

Lucca: Good Point.

You both then ran into the Castle where you had Both Ran into Marle who was running down the stairs!

Y/n: Marle?

Marle: Guys I'm coming with you!

Just then the Chancellor showed up with A Bunch of Guards!

Chancellor: Princess Nadia you can't go! You're Place is in the Castle!

Marle: No! I Hate living in this Castle! I hate being A Princess! I Just want to go!

Marle then ran off with you guys as the chancellors and the Guards chased you all off into the Forests nearby, when you had all found A Gate.

Marle: We should go right now!

Lucca: Are you Insane!? We don't know where or when this Thing will send us!

Y/n: Do you have A Better Idea?

Lucca: Nope!

Lucca then Pulls out A Gate Key and you all ended up going through Time, just as the chancellor showed up!

Chancellor: HUH!? T-THEY'RE GONE!?

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