Shonen Moms Meet!

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Soon you quickly gained Nono as the newest Member of your Harem and now Gogo is your new little Sister, and to be honest she would be A Perfect friend for someone like Wendy who can show her the ropes of how things work.

In the Mansion's Living room, Kinue was Having Tea with another mom as she smiled, grabbing A Donut.

Kinue: Oh, it's so nice that our Children know each other! My Son always had A Thing for Spitfires as he puts it! He's such A Sweetie Pie.

Just then the other woman smiled.

Mama: Oh Yeah, I bet so. My Gogo really looks up to him. Him being A champion winner and All.

Mama Matsumo (She is the mother of Gogo and Nono/ She is A Single Caring and Kind mom who really cares about her girls/ She can be Silly Violent though Like when Nono refuses to leave her TV She kicks it out A Window/ It is Implied that she is A F...

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Mama Matsumo (She is the mother of Gogo and Nono/ She is A Single Caring and Kind mom who really cares about her girls/ She can be Silly Violent though Like when Nono refuses to leave her TV She kicks it out A Window/ It is Implied that she is A Former fighter herself, and had A Fling with Demon Lord King Koro and that led to Nono being Born/ She Tends to act Like An Ex Who doesn't want to be seen whenever Koro is around)

Kinue: Oh Yes, he won his First Tournament when he was 11! He's so Strong! I Bet he would be an amazing Influence on your Gogo!

Mama: Yes, I Agree.

Just then the door Slammed Open as you briskly walked by without A Shirt on.

Y/n: Sorry I literally lost my shirt during A Fight, to make A Long story short, Baseball demon team, Goodbye.

Kinue: Oh Yes, no matter how Much he eats he always has that Muscular Body! Oh I love making my fried foods for him! Right?

Mama: (Blushing) Eh? Hehehehe. Yeah, I Guess so. I was A Little Distracted to be Honest.

Kinue: Oh, I see that A Lot! He gets A Lot of women's Attention! More Grandbabies! That's good for me!

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