New Azad, New Enemies!

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Somewhere in Asia Minor...

Deep Inside the Country were the Members of the Nohrian Kingdom who were exiled for their Behavior but couldn't be Killed because Corrin couldn't bring herself to even when Crowned Queen of both Nohr and Hishido.

We Open up in A Large Fort where A Cloaked Man Began walking inside and came up to two Indo-European Mercenaries.

Mercenary 1: Halt! Who goes there?

???: I am here to see the Former King.

Mercenary 2: No one Gets past us.

???: Hm, So I see. Moonlit water Dragon roar!!

He then Blasted them both back as the doors slammed open and he then walked inside. He then removed his Hood to reveal that He was Azad!

Azad: Hello Garon. I have come with an Offer you can't Refuse.

Garon: Hmph! Who the hell are you, Child? I have no Time for you!

Garon (He is the Former King of Garon before being Usurped by Corrin/ He is an evil and despicable Man who Kidnapped her as A Baby after Killing her Father/ He finds Slaughter, Genocide, and other horrific things to be Okay as long as it's the enemy)

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Garon (He is the Former King of Garon before being Usurped by Corrin/ He is an evil and despicable Man who Kidnapped her as A Baby after Killing her Father/ He finds Slaughter, Genocide, and other horrific things to be Okay as long as it's the enemy)

Azad: But you will have time for me Sir. I see you have A Bit of... A Dragon Problem. As in... You're Adoptive Daughter?

Garon: Iago, Hans! Deal with him!

Just then two other Men appeared as they Began to come from both sides as Azad Looked at both of them.

Iago: Oh, Look at this. A Child that can't Hold things to Himself. How Cute. Let's Just see how everything works out for you. By the way it won't.

Iago (The Former Nohrian Strategist and Tactician/ He is Now Exiled with the rest of the Members who tried to abuse Corrin and start A War/ He is Essentially an Evil Son of A Bitch who followed King Garon to the end)

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Iago (The Former Nohrian Strategist and Tactician/ He is Now Exiled with the rest of the Members who tried to abuse Corrin and start A War/ He is Essentially an Evil Son of A Bitch who followed King Garon to the end)

Hans: Lets Just Smash his Little head in and Let the Blood Fly! It would be Fun!

Hans (Another one of the Former Nohrian People who were Exiled by Corrin/ He is pretty much an evil son of A Bitch who Loves to Kill, even trying to Kill Corrin's Siblings when given the chance/ Yes, He's A Bastard)

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Hans (Another one of the Former Nohrian People who were Exiled by Corrin/ He is pretty much an evil son of A Bitch who Loves to Kill, even trying to Kill Corrin's Siblings when given the chance/ Yes, He's A Bastard)

Azad: (Sigh) People Like you never learn. Swampy Terrian.

He then Turned the ground into Swampy Mud and Water as they were both stuck and then...

Azad: Moonlit Water Dragon Claw!!

He then struck them Both as they went down, and he then Marched Towards Garon wrapping his hand around his Throat as he smiled evilly.

Garon: W-What do you need?

Azad: First Your Allegiance, and Secondly one of those Stones. I refuse to become one of those Terrible reptiles again.

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