Paper Moon King's Full Control!

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Yasuho had Ran outside trying to figure out what is going on She had then gotten A Text from you saying you will meet her at the Sesame Cafe, and she was relieved.

Yasuho: Whew! Okay, Y/n can Help me. (Blushing) Yeah, He'll help me. Get your head Together Girl.

She continued running off as Tsurugi followed her from Behind, and she soon entered the Cafe where you are, but it wasn't A Cafe, it was A Disk store, and she never got A Text from you saying that. In reality, the Stand was also messing with her sense of words as well.

She walked inside with Her not being able to tell it was an actual disk store and that You were on the other side texting on your Phone.

Joshu: Y/n what is going on? You nearly got us Killed back there You Know?

Y/n: I don't have time that! Weird shit is Happening, and I need to find out what is going on.

Joshu: Fine I'm checking out some Disks.

He then walked off as He soon found Yasuho standing there Looking for you and he took his Chance.

Joshu: Oh, Hello Yasuho.

Yasuho then Looked at him, but she was unable to tell who it was, and she thought it was you.

Yasuho: Oh It's you! Um... (Blushing) I have something I need to Confess to you...

Joshu: Really?

Yasuho: (Blushing) I Just think You're really cute and I really, really Like you...

Joshu (Thoughts) Is she serious!? YES! Now it's my time!

He then Grabbed her and began to Pull her into the Restroom where he tried to have some Oral Smex with her, but she quickly realized that wasn't you.

Yasuho: Wait! You're not Y/n!

She then Pulled out The Toilet Lid and she then wacked him over the head with it before she ran out!

Joshu: OW! What the hell...? You said you Liked me...

Yasuho than ran out and she found what she thought were some cops and A Cop car!

Yasuho: Cops! Cops! Help! I was nearly assaulted!

Except she wasn't talking to the cops she was talking to some Kidnappers, and they Grabbed at her and tried to pull her in!


She then summoned her Stand as it then stepped on A Kidnappers foot making him let her go as she continued running!

Yasuho: Okay I Give up! Take me back Now!

Just then Tsuguri appeared and smiled.

Tsurugi: Good. Now I'm sorry about everything that Happened, I never meant for those to Happen. So please come with me.

And then they both headed back to the Basement as meanwhile Paper Moon King's effect wore off as you ran to Joshu to see if he is Okay.

Y/n: Joshu what Happened you Dumbass!?

Joshu: I tried to Have some fun with Yasuho after she confessed to me... Got my head smashed in...

Y/n: IDIOT!!

You then Grabbed the Toilet seat and began beating him without mercy as he Just lied on the ground trying to shield his Face!

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