Battle at Boyle Island! / Battle at Almia Castle!

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Soon you begin to get Information on those Dark Crystals and it turns out you can Neutralize them with A Set of Red, Blue, and Yellow Crystals, and that can be used on the Giant shadow Crystal, but those bright Crystals can only be found at Certain Places, so you and Keith split up to find them.

Your First Spot was Boyle Island where you can find the Red Crystal.

Y/n: Okay Rhythmi where can I find this Crystal?

Rhythmi was over on A Radio as she spoke up.

Rhythmi: Oh, that should be At a Chamber at the bottom of the Volcano.

Y/n: Right, Got it. Munchlax?

Munchlax: Munch?

Y/n: Use Dig.

Munchlax: Munch! Munch!

Munchlax then began digging underground as you quickly followed behind and you both then discovered A Chamber with A Red Crystal on an Altar and you quickly ran up and Grabbed it!

Y/n: Aha! Yes! Take that Suckers!

Just then Lavanna Appeared!

Lavanna: Hey I'll be taking that, Cutie.

Y/n: ... Hello.

Lavanna: Oh Yes, Hello. Now give it to me.

Y/n: No.

Lavanna: Give it to me.

Y/n: No!

Lavanna: Give it to me!

Y/n: You want it?

Lavanna: I want!

Y/n: You want it? You want it?

Lavanna: I want it! I want the damn Crystal!

Y/n: Get it then!

Lavanna: Alright go Infernape! Go Magmortar!

She then sent out two Mind controlled Pokémon as you were A Little intimidated by you stood strong.

Y/n: Alright then, Munchlax infuse your Powers!

Munchlax: MUNCH!

He then infused his Normal Type Powers into your Stylus as you began spinning it around the two Pokémon with Them both firing punches and Lava blasts at the Stylus trying to hit it, but you quickly captured them both and pacified them!

Lavanna: Um... Can I please go and... Get reinforcements? I'll... Give you A Pizza.

Y/n: What Kind of Idiot do you think I am?

Lavanna: Two Pizza's!

Y/n: No Way!

Lavanna: With Stuffed Crust!


Lavanna: Damn! That Usually works.

She then braced herself for A Punch as you charged at her but you instead Kissed her on the cheek.

Y/n: You're Cute. Hope to see you fighting another Day.

Lavanna: (Blushing) Okay...

Y/n: Come on Munchlax!

Munchlax: Munch!

Y/n: There was no Pizza! Stop that! Now!

You then walked out as Lavanna then began fangirling.

Lavanna: Oh My God, he Kissed me! The other guys won't Believe it!


Ice had Just Grabbed the Blue Crystal as he smiled!

Ice: Oh The Blue Crystal. With this they can't stop us.

Y/n: Steal!!

You then showed up to steal the Crystal!

Y/n: Hey!

Ice: Give that back.

Y/n: No.

Ice: Fine then! Go!

He then reveals his Garchomp, Frosslass, and Gallade!

Ice: Take this Noob!

Y/n: Noob? Really? What are you? Twelve?

Ice: S-Shut up! Attack him you Idiots!

Y/n: Fine then! Munchlax Give me your Power!

Munchlax: MUNCH!

You then were able to Pacify the three Mind controlled Pokémon as they had quickly calmed down.

Ice: Crap!

Y/n: Give me!

Ice: I'll give you-

Y/n: Lavanna already Tried that.

Ice: Damn.

He then gave you the Blue Crystal as you then Froze him in Place!

Y/n: Hey! Chill Out! HA!

You then ran out as you Left Ice frozen solid.


A/n: 0:20-End

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