Back Home at Last! / N. Tropy!

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Soon you had Returned home and of course, back at the Island Coco had Gotten In Contact with you since she does have a self-built laptop, and she called you.

Coco: Hey, thanks for saving us again!

Y/n: Hey You're Welcome! Do you think Cortex is finally gone?

Coco: Knowing him he's Probably not. He's way too stubborn to go down Like that.

Y/n: Yeah, I've been through that too Many times. Well, I Guess I'll see you around.

Coco: (Blushing) Yeah, Thanks.

She then closes the laptop as she then saw Crash Just spinning around and destroying stuff!

Coco: Hey Crash! Watch out! There's some Nitro Crates there!

Crash: WAH!

Aku Aku: It's really Great to Have you Back, Coco. You've always been the smart one out of the two.


Meanwhile on another Beach on the Island Cortex had washed up on A Beach covered in seaweed and Starfish, as A Person walked up to him.

???: Cortex? Cortex? Wake up you fool!

Cortex: Huh? N-N. Tropy?

A Time Traveller stood in front of him as he smiled.

N. Tropy: Yes, Cortex it is I, and Trust me you seriously need some help considering your Crushing Defeat, but A Damn Marsupial and A Child. Thankfully I am A Time Walker who can get some Additional Help.

 Thankfully I am A Time Walker who can get some Additional Help

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N. Tropy (He is An Evil Time Traveller whose Origins are shrouded in Mystery/ He has the Powers of Time Travel, Can Manipulate time, and even control time itself/ He is pretty Damn evil having A Love of Doing things evil, and even flirted with An Alternate version of himself showing how Narcissistic he is/ One of Crash's Biggest enemies)

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