Beastman Communication!

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Soon you had Taken Michiru and Nazuna Back home where you can pretty much protect them from Bege and Giuliano's Mob-Pirate Alliance in the Safety in New Tokyo.

Y/n: Alright Girls you should be safe now. Even though New Tokyo is more or less in Favor of Pirates, the city won't let People like Bege in our Borders.

Michiru/Nazuna: Thank you Y/n-San!

Y/n: You're Welcome. You know you two should Probably pretty much Join Star Academy.

Michiru: Huh? But why? I know that Beastman is Usually racially profiled outside of Anima City.

Y/n: I Know, Damn Racists, but just let me say That New Tokyo is one of the best Accepting Cities in the world, Along with Star Academy being the Most accepting school here. I mean we have even A Night Program for Monsters and An Extension for Hell. Plus, you two could Pretty Much extend Relations there and break Stereotypes!

Nazuna: That Actually sounds pretty Good. Thank you, Y/n, You're Just too Kind.

Y/n: Yeah, You're welcome! (Blushing) Hmm... Hey, I was wondering something. Do you two perhaps Like Me? In Fact, Like Me in A Certain way?

Both women then Blushed as they smiled, the Fur on their cheeks turning Red.

Michiru: (Blushing) Oh How do you know?

Y/n: Eh, It Happens A lot.

Nazuna: (Blushing) Well You are very Cute.

Y/n: I am not Cute, I'm Handsome. There's A Difference. Cute is what you two are.

The two Woman Just Blushed Even Deeper as they smiled.

Y/n: Ah, this is Nice.

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