Back to the Future!

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Soon you had Gotten Back to your Time Machine where you had Stopped with the Trio to explain everything, about what had happened to you.

Y/n: Guys, I Must admit... I haven't been entirely truthful to all of you.

Fuu: Huh? What do you mean Y/n-San?

Y/n: (Sigh) You see... I come from Nearly 200 Years in the Future.

Jin: Yeah, Real Funny.

Y/n:  ...

Jin: Oh God You're Serious.

Y/n: Exactly.

You then Turned off the Cloak to the Time Machine and it appeared with A Bit more Dust than before.

Y/n: Look I am not asking for Forgiveness or Anything but if you Plan to Join me back in the 21st Century then Please do. I'll close my eyes, and when I open them, if you want to leave, then Please disappear.

You then closed your eyes for A Few Moments until you slowly opened them up to see them all still standing there.

Y/n: You're all coming with me?

Fuu: (Blushing) Y/n, you're my Prince, and You had excepted me for all of my Flaws. I Love you so Much~!

Y/n: Aww! You'll be A Future Wife alright and the Wedding with have all of the Food you can ever eat!

Fuu: (Heart eyes) CHU!

Mugen: The Future Really? Hell yeah! That Place has got to have some Kind of Anarchic Freedom!

Y/n: Kinda yeah. We call those Pessimists. They Just don't give A Damn.

Mugen: Nice! My Kind of People!

Jin then Fixed his Glasses as he ended smiling.

Jin: Of course, I can Finally Repent for my Sins.

Y/n: What do you mean?

Jin then remembered how his Master was Teaching him A Technique that is A Last resort death Technique which leave you wide open for an attack in order to deal A Fatal Blow and he accidentally Killed his Master in Cold Blood.

Jin: Nothing. It's something I rather not say right now.

Y/n: Oh Okay. Well, I have enough room in the Time Machine so let's get.

Fuu: Yes! Great!

You all then Hopped in which was A Little Cramped and you made A Note for Team Science to make A Bigger cockpit and you went back to the 21 Century.

Y/n: I'm Baaaaack!

Just then Trunks Showed up as he was Worried.

Trunks: Dad what were you doing!? Time Travel is A Very Risky Business!

Y/n: Oh, I Know, but I still let you do it.

Trunks: Dad.

Y/n: Oh, I brought back some People! Don't worry I Know Creating new Timelines and all. Meet Fuu, Mugen, and Jin!

Fuu then Suddenly wrapped her arms around yours as she smiled.

Fuu: Oh, Y/n-San You're so Kind~

Mugen: Hey You got any Sake? I'm ready to Party!

Jin: Seriously Control yourself.

Mugen: No! Screw you!

Y/n: Yeah, They're A Crazy Bunch.

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