Technical Difficulties!

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We Open deep Underground A City in the YoRHa Bunker where 2B was in her Stainless white Bedroom while she was recharging, she began to feel some strange things about her.

She had A Tight feeling in her chest, A Dry Mouth, Dizziness, Wooziness, and even Lack of thinking skills.

So, she went to the person who makes their Bodies.

2B: I don't get These feelings are so Strange and they make me feel Like far less of A Fighter as I can't even fight in this State. Maybe you had made my latest Body wrong, I don't know.

The Robot she was talking to was A Much Older Make and Model that Looked at her with some Concern.

A2: Hm, I couldn't have Possibly ever made that. That seems Far too strange. Maybe it could be something else.

A2 (She is A YoRHa Robot that was A Much Older Model and was specifically made to make and repair the Bodies of Other yoRHa Robots when they their die or get damaged and may need A New Body)

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A2 (She is A YoRHa Robot that was A Much Older Model and was specifically made to make and repair the Bodies of Other yoRHa Robots when they their die or get damaged and may need A New Body)

2B: Something else?

A2: Yes, I haven't seen this in Many, Many, Many years but it's something Humans call Love. You could Love him.

2B: Love? No I can't feel that.

A2: What do you mean?

2B: You Know what Lives we Live. I haven't Felt very Much ever since The Last few hundred times I Killed 9S. His Blood is on my Hands.

A2: I can tell. I remade his Body A Lot of times. What does he even Look it?

2B Then Produced A Photo and silently gave it to her.

A2: Wow, He really is good Looking. Then again I haven't seen A Human in the last 9,000 Years, so Yeah I might be A Little withdrawn. 

2B: What should I do then?

A2: Confess to him.

2B: I... I don't know How.

A2: That's easy. I'll come with you to help.

2B: (Blushing) Fine.

A2: Good. Now follow me.

2B: (Blushing) I don't Like this already.

A2: Too Bad.

2B Then followed her out of the room.


You were running around the Place Looking for some beds since you still needed to Rest as 2B And A2 Showed up.

A2: Hey You Must be Y/n.

Y/n: Yep. You are?

A2: A2. 2B Would like to tell you something.

2B: No, I don't.

A2: Yes, you do.

She then shoves her in front of you as she smiles.

A2: (Whisper) Say it.

2B: (Blushing) Um... Y/n, I needed to tell you something.

Y/n: Oh, It's Okay I find you Attractive too.

2B: Huh?

Y/n: Oh Sorry I have A Harem, it's A Common thing that Happens. I Like you... 2B?

2B: Oh Okay.

2B Was Just Pink Faced and steaming but she kept her cool.


The Time Machine then fell down back at the Lab.

Trunks: Dad What did you do this Time!?

Lala: We told you-

Trunks: I told you not to do this!

Lala: Yeah, but we don't really Listen to you.

Trunks: Dad are you Okay?

Just then the Hatch opened up as Your head Popped out but in reality 2B Was carrying you and 9S And A2 Came out As well.

2B: May I Take him to his Bedroom.

Trunks: Yes, It's 2 Floors up 10 doors down. You can Take the Elevator.

2B: Thank you.

She then smiled as she took your tired Butt to your room.

Trunks: So, Androids Huh?

Bulma: Oh My God more Androids! This time from 9,000 years into the Future! I need to study you.

9S: Help? Can somebody Help?

Bulma then began dragging him off as A2 Smiled.

A2: Heh, This Time of Humans does seem very special.

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