The New Locacaca!

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Soon after defeating Doctor Wu, you had soon appeared alongside Yasuho and Rai to pretty much investigate which of these Rock Humans had been going in and Out of the Locacaca Room. It consists of Doctor Wu, Urban Guerilla, Poor Tom, and the Unseen Hospital Director all going in and out of the room at all times.

Y/n: So That's it! The Hosptial Director has the Branch! That's him! Whoever that Is.

Yasuho: Guys you have to Listen to me, This Organization does not have a Branch. When Doctor Wu attacked us, he was asking about the Branch, meaning they don't have it. It Must be at the Higashikata Household.

Rai: Yasuho stay out of this! Your Brash Actions Had Gotten all of us in trouble! We could have all gotten Killed! You Need to stay out of this Right now!

Without even saying A Word you Just activated your Conquerors Haki making him back down.

Y/n: Yasuho we Appreciate the Idea and Jobin is A Suspect but right now that Director is Our Man. Lets go Rai!

Rai: Y-Yes Sir!

You both then ran off as Yasuho then Began walking through the Hospital and she soon came across Toru.

Toru: Oh, Yasuho are you Okay?

Yasuho Instinctively held his Hands but she then Backed off as she continued walking.

Yasuho: Sorry, I Just Have some feelings to sort Out.

She then walked off as Toru went his own Way and you and Rai watched.

Rai: You Like her don't you Y/n?

Y/n: How do you know?

Rai: I can Tell. Now Let's find our Man.

Y/n: Right.

Rai: I think we should Research Toru too.

Y/n: Why?

Rai: He Seems suspicious to me.


At the Higashikata Household Joshu was Pulling a Prank when he Uses Nut King Call to Detach his Tongue and he Throws it at Dato Making her get Up.

Dato: Hey, You Threw That!

Joshu: No, I didn't.

Tsurugi who was sent looking for Norisuke due to Daiya asking him to find him and he steps on Joshu's Tongue making him double back in Pain falling down. They had A Good Laugh.

To be Honest Stands around the Higashikata family are A Private Topic and as soon as The Heart comes out it begins to pour out and not stop.

7 Days, 1 Hour, and 2 Minutes before the Locacaca Harvest...

Soon Mitsuba had stopped by the school to Take Tsurugi Home after A Trip and everyone was A Little shocked by her Stone Nose, but she reassures them that she's Okay. The Girl scout leader then stops her.

Leader: Mitsuba Something had Happened while we were on the trip. A Group of girls had been teasing Tsurugi that her father is Apparently A Murderer and they kept on teasing her until A frog Jumped on Mina's Leg Making her fall into A Puddle.

Mitsuba: Look if You Plan on Blaming my Tsurugi for this then I swear I will-


Just another one of the Bully girls came running by screaming!


Everyone then ran to the Gates to see Mina Crushed between the Metal Gates and she was dead with no Signs of an Assailant.

Leader: Wait, who did this? The Gates were too heavy Just for them to close on their own!

Little girl: It was Tsurugi! She closed the Gates!

Everyone then Looked at Tsurugi as If he had committed the Murder and Mitsuba was shocked.

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