The Strength of Koala Kong!

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Soon all three of you Began to Travel through the Island as soon you all ended up in some Mines where A Bunch of Minecarts which Moving Huge Rocks and Nitro Crates around.

Y/n: So where do we go from here, Guys?

Aku Aku: Well, we should be facing the Mob Boss Pinstripe Potoroo.

Y/n: The Hell is A Potoroo?

Crash Just shakes his head while shrugging.

Y/n: Yeah, Me too Bud. Me too.

Just then you all had gotten to A Small Lava River, as then A Giant Koala with Muscles Began flexing them in front of all of you!

Y/n: Who is that guy?

Aku Aku: That is Koala Kong.

Y/n: Koala Kong? Yeah, He's full of Himself.

Koala Kong then began Grabbing some Huge Rocks and Began throwing them at all of you as Nitro crates then Began falling from the ceiling on A Timer nearly exploding on all of you!

Y/n: HOLY CRAP! What do we do!?

Koala Kong then Had trouble carrying A Crate as he tossed it over landing next to you guys!

Aku Aku: Quickly throw it back!

Y/n: Right!

You then Tossed it back at Koala Kong and it had for about 4 Times until he had finally Been Knocked out and he tried running into you guys to take you out, but he suddenly ran into A Moving Minecart and ended up being taken away!

Y/n: Huh, that was Convenient.

Aku Aku: Very Much so.

Crash Nods as well.

Y/n: Good Now Let's deal with that... What do you call it?

Aku Aku: Potoroo.

Y/n: I'm not sure if that's A Real thing though, to be completely Honest.

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