The Epoch! / Climb that, Mountain!

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Soon after being Kicked out of 12,000 BC By the Empire there, you had all went back to Old Man who seemed to pretty much understand what Happened.

Old Man: Yes, I Get it. You need A Way to freely travel through time. Though I have A Way.

Y/n: You do?

Old Man: Yes, I do. There is an Old Friend I know Far into the Future who invented something. A Machine that can Allow one to pretty much Travel through time freely, but you need to find it First.

Y/n: Alright we'll go After it then! I'm taking Lucca and Marle!

Lucca/Marle: Right!

Time Skip!

Soon after going into the Future and Traveling through some Sewers to A Southern Island you had all gotten to A Large dome where there is A Bunch of Old Bridges and Rusted old Stairs, and soon you came across the Time Machine. A Ship of Miraculous design.

Lucca: Wow, this is Amazing!

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Lucca: Wow, this is Amazing!

Marle: What do we call it?

Y/n: I say the Epoch.

Lucca/Marle: Epoch?

Y/n: Yeah, An Epoch. Like A massive Era of Time.

Lucca/Marle: Ooh, we get it.

Y/n: Now Let's go to 12,000 BC!

Soon you had Picked up Frog, and you had all gone back to 12,000 BC With Yourself, Lucca, and Frog, and soon you had all Tried to get back on the Platform, but it wouldn't work so you all went towards the Earth-Bound Village.

Elder: Ah, Fellow Earth-bound. What do you need?

Y/n: We need to find the Guru of Life, Melchior?

Elder: Ah Yes. You see our Numbers are very thin because many of us are sent to the sea Palace to Build it, but never came back. You see the Guru life believed that Janus had A Power that surpasses even Lady Schala, but he refuses to use it, saying dark things.

Y/n: Wait, that's the boy we've seen before! We'll get Melchior!

Elder: Good. He is on top of that Floating Mountain on the chain. Go up there and you can find him.

Y/n: Thanks Man!

Lucca: So, we have to climb A Mountain full of Monsters Huh?

Frog: We don't have very Many Options.

Lucca: True.

One Mountain climbing Session Later...

All Three of you had then Made it up to the top of the Mountain where Melchior is Frozen in Ice and A Giant Monster then appeared to stop you all!


Y/n: Okay then! Take this! Ice Make: Rose Garden!!

You then Trapped the Monster in Icey Rose Thorns, as Frog and Lucca attacked it as well!



Just then before the damn Monster had A Chance to heal you had quickly managed to beat it and the Ice Block had then melted to reveal Old Man Melchior from 400 Years ago!

Frog: Old Man Melchior!

Melchior: Yes, that is me, but I don't know how you know my Name.

Y/n: Eh, Long Story Pal. Look we need your Help.

Just then Mountain then Began freefalling as you realized something.


You all then Began running out of the damn Mountain before it Crashed into the ground, and you had all returned to the Elder, where Melchior explained everything.

Melchior: Yes, this is Exactly what I feared.

Lucca: What do you mean?

Melchior: You see Lavos is Infecting Queen Zeal. You see by Draining Lavos of power he is slowly infecting her Mind eroding her Mind into nothing.

Just then Schala ran in scared!

Y/n: Schala!?

Schala: Y/n Thank God You're here! My Brother and I had Just escaped!

Janus: Hello.

Janus: Hello

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Y/n: (Thoughts) Why... Why does this Kid Look so Familiar?

Schala: Look Mother has gone mad! She wants me to Power the Machine, but I can't! I Just can't!

Just then A Man Jumped in and Grabbed Schala!

Lucca: It's the soldier from before!

Schala: Dalton!

Dalton then Puts A Blade to her Neck as he gritted her teeth!

Dalton: Everyone don't you dare touch me or else she dies! I do not fear the Queen!

Dalton: Everyone don't you dare touch me or else she dies! I do not fear the Queen!

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Y/n: Everyone Put your Weapons down.

Frog: But-?

Y/n: Now.

Dalton then Escapes with Schala and Janus as Hostages!

Melchior: Quickly Take this.

He then handed you A Red Dagger.

Y/n: A Dagger?

Melchior: Yes, this Dagger can destroy the Mammot Machine if it pierces it.

Y/n: Right, I shall finally beat Lavos and save the world!

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