Attack on Magus' Castle!

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Soon you had all entered through the Cave Behind the Mountain which led to Another Island that had A Massive evil Castle and this time you had Brought Frog and Marle with you, forcing you to leave Lucca Behind as her Technology skills wouldn't work well in this fight.

Y/n: Okay are you guys ready?

Marle: Ready as I'll ever Be.

Frog: I want to take my Vengeance on Magus and Nothing is going to stop me.

Y/n: Good, Let's go.

You all then walked up to the door and...

Y/n: CHARGE!!!

You then Busted down the door and you all Began running through only to realize there was no Resistance.

Y/n: Huh. How Strange. I was expecting... More Fighting,

Frog: This is very Strange indeed. His Generals should be here to fight us.

You all then Began climbing up A Flight of Stairs when suddenly That Fat piece of shit, Ozzie appeared!

Ozzie: Hello Kids!

Y/n: Okay Ozzie where is Magus!?

Ozzie: Oh, I would take you to him.

Marle: Really?

Ozzie: If you beat all us! Meet The three Fiend generals! Ozzie!

Flea: Flea!

Slash: Slash!

Y/n: Oh, Two Dude and A Cute girl as per Usual

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Y/n: Oh, Two Dude and A Cute girl as per Usual.

Flea: I'm A Dude!

Y/n: What? Then why are you-?

Flea: I Like dressing this way Okay!

Slash: Heh, you do look like A Girl.

Flea: Shut up! I do not Look like A Girl!

Slash: Then why do You have A Bra?

Flea: I do not A Have Bra! It's A God damn Corset! Men it wear too!

Slash: Didn't you go to A Store with A Men's Section?

Flea: I did!

Slash: Then why didn't you go to that Section?

Ozzie: Just shut up and attack!!

Ozzie then summoned A Bunch of Fiends as you all Began attacking with Frog and Marle Taking care of the Fiends while you take care of the three Generals!

Ozzie: I Like to see you Beat us Now! It's 3 Vs One!

Flea: Yeah, You Might be very Strong! But you can't beat all three of us!

Slash: Exactly!

Y/n: Oh Really?

Fiend Generals: Yes, Really!

Y/n: Okay then! Shadow Clone Jutsu!!

You then summoned A Pair of Shadow Clones as you attacked!

Y/n: Rasengan Barrage!!

You then beat them all as you all then entered A Pitch-Black Room where the floor Began Lighting up.

Frog: MAGUS!

Just then A Demon with A Scythe smiled and Looked over!

Magus: Ah Isn't it the Boy ruining my Plans. You Must be Y/n?

 You Must be Y/n?

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Y/n: Yes, but you need to Answer to my Friend Frog.

Frog: 4 Years you Killed my Best Friend now Prepare to die!


A/n: 0:04-0:10

Marle: You turned him into A Frog.

Magus: Oh Alright, Now I remember. You're Friend Died Like A Bitch.

Frog: Tch! Bastard! With this Blade, I shall Kill you!!

He then swung his blade, but Magus shot A Fire Ball, and you grabbed him before he got hit!

Magus: Fools! How dare you challenge the Greatest Sorcerer in the world!

Y/n: Well, we do! HAAAA! Santoryu: Water Breathing: Climbing Water Wheel Purgatory Onigiri!!!


Marle: Don't worry I'll heal you guys! Just take him down!

You ad Frog Kept on attacking Magus as Marle kept on healing you as soon you ended up beating the Crap out of Magus!


Y/n: Oh, Hell No You won't!! HAAAAAAAA! Demon Aura!! Kyutoryu: Beast Breathing: Made Cleaving Dead Mans Game!!!

You then appeared right behind Magus and suddenly Magus Blew up in Blood covering the floor, but as you all Just reveled in Victory the Ground Began shaking Like Crazy!

Marle: W-Wait, what's Happening?

Magus: You fools! You had awakened Lavos!

Y/n: Huh!? How could you have awakened something that you Just Planted?

Magus: What are you talking about!? Lavos is Far older than any of us! It has been in the earth for Aeon's absorbing the earths energy slowly getting stronger!

Suddenly A massive Gate had Opened as the Three of you were sucked in Leaving Magus Behind!

The Journey is Far from over.

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