The Mysterious Biker!/ Born this way!

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We Open up at the Higashikata Household where you were Helping out by doing the Laundry for the Family and of course, when you got Joshu's Laundry you find some Dollar Bills.

Y/n: Okay is he Trying to Lose this Money? Because this stuff is going to get dissolved.

Just then Joshu appeared out of nowhere and tried to Pin you into the wall!

Joshu: AHA!

Y/n: Aha What?

Joshu: I knew it! you tried to steal my Money!

Y/n: No, I didn't you were trying to frame me Jackass!

Joshu then Pulled out A Pocket Knife as he got angry!

Joshu: Don't you tell me what I did!

Just then Norisuke walked in and broke up the fight.

Norisuke: Alright Joshu break up the fight.

Joshu: But Father-

Norisuke: But Father Nothing, you must Treat our guest Niceley, so do so.

Y/n: Thank you Mr. Hagishikata.

Norisuke: Don't worry about it, just stay as long as you need.

Y/n: Thank you.

Joshu then glared at you as he walked off as you Glared Back.


You snuck out of the House to find Yasuho since you had Both Learned about A Nurse at A Hospital who might know what Happened to you had since she would have Treated you during whoever you fought.

You began walking around when suddenly A Motorcycle rode past you Nearly Making a Stop sign Slice your Neck!

Y/n: HEY! WHERE ARE YOUR MANNERS!? Ugh, Some people...

You continued running walking through when the Biker came back again and suddenly you felt A Blast of Cold Air hit you and you fell headfirst on A Railroad spike!

Y/n: Ow!

The Motorcycle then came back as it then Began to rev up it's Engines ready to charge at you as it began Generating More of those strong Ice-cold winds as it froze the leaves near you!

Y/n: Okay so this is A Stand. Soft and Wet!!

You then used the Stand to remove the Sharp aspect of the Spike as you removed your head and you then used it again to use it again to fix the Hole in your head! The Biker continued to Charge at you when you suddenly dodged, and it crashed! You then Looked over to see it's Helmet got Knocked off and you saw what the Driver Looked like.

Y/n: It's A Stand!?

Y/n: It's A Stand!?

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Born this Way

It then disappears as you continued running Hoping not to encounter it again as your GPS Then Began to talk to you.

???: Quickly take A Right turn by that Pole but don't do anything rash!

Y/n: Huh? Wait, My GPS Doesn't talk like that? It's A Robot. Oh It's another Stand.

???: Er... Yes...

Y/n: Oh Great, we need more of those right now!

???: Just Turn right here!

Y/n: Right Thanks. God, I hope I can make it to the end without this Biker Killing me! Also, Yasuho has to do better than me.


Yasuho was pretty Much walking into the Hospital Pharmacy to Look for The Nurse and to get some Medicine for A Bite wound, as A Mysterious woman watched her from Behind,

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