A Date with Lucca!

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We Opened up in the Team Science room where Lucca was working with some Robotics to make A Prototype Robo which was A Wind-Up robot about 6 Inches Tall and could only walk around and Look around.

Lucca: Okay this One is working super well.

You then walked in to see her working on her Mini Robo.

Y/n: Hey Lucca!

Lucca: Huh? Oh, Hey Y/n!

Y/n: Working on Mini Robo?

Lucca: Yep. Just perfecting his design.

Y/n: Huh. I was wondering Something.

Lucca: Yes?

Y/n: Do You Miss Robo?

Lucca then Just stopped and Just Put her hands on the Counter Just holding her feelings back.

Lucca: Look It's Just... I'm worried about him... What if he ceases to Exist? What if... What if He isn't Happy in his Future?

Y/n: Lucca I Know for A Fact that he is Happy because we Taught him what it Truly means to be Human and to have Friends and if we had never met him, he could have still been rusting away right now. You Know?

Lucca: True.

Y/n: And I Know for A fact That he is Happy because you are out her being Safe and Living your best Life.

Lucca: Thank you.

You then Picked her up Bridal style and you then Placed her onto A Couch as you Began to pull out A Box of chocolates and began feeding her after you took off her Boots to free her feet.

Lucca: Oh, this is so Nice!

Y/n: Yep! Anything for my girls!  Now Why don't you Just relax and let me do all of the work.

Lucca: Oh Okay. You're such A Great Hero and Boyfriend.

Y/n: Thank you, and You're such A Great Inventor and Girlfriend.

Lucca: (Blushing) O-Oh Thank you...

Y/n: Now Here are some more Chocolates!

You then Continued to feed her more chocolates as she smiled, Blushed, and Wiggled her Toes.

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