The Rap Battles End... For Now!

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Soon after all of those Rap Battles it had soon ended with you back Home Just relaxing with girlfriend because that was A Lot of Rap Battles in Just A Short time.

Girlfriend: I thought it was 5 weeks?

Y/n: Well to me it felt like Just One Day.

Girlfriend then Just Placed your head on her Lap as she began petting your head.

Girlfriend: Aw, don't worry about it Y/n. I'm here to comfort you.

Y/n: Aww, Thanks, Girlfriend.

Just then you felt two more presences as Tomboy Friend and Cassette girl then showed up.

Y/n: Hey Guys What's going on?

Tomboy friend: Beep Beep Boop Bop Beep Bop Beep Boop~

Y/n: What was that? I didn't catch that.

Tomboy Friend: Beep Beep Boop Bop Beep Bop Beep Boop.

Y/n: Oh, wait you Like me too? Eh, this doesn't really come as A Surprise. I am Literally A Harem Master at this Point.

Cassette girl: Well, you had Certainly caught my eye, Handsome Guy.

Y/n: Oh That's Just Amazing. You're both very Cute and some really tough Cookies.

Tomboy Friend: Beep~!

Cassette girl: Aww, Thanks, Y/n.

Girlfriend: Are you expecting any more Rap Battles?

Y/n: Probably... To be Honest I Just want to Take a Break right now...

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