•Chapter 19•

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A/N: Trust me ik the outfits kinda fucking suck but bare with me lmfao😂😂 imagine yourself in different clothing if y'all don't like it.


"Come on! We can do it Johnson!" Mariano grunted as we did some push ups.

"Fuck. Off. Dude." Amber punctuated causing me to chuckle breathlessly.

"Why are we doing this? We have four hours before the fucking show!" Erica panted and I laid on the floor out of breath from the events that lasted an hour.

"It'll make you feel refreshed girls." He painted with a smile and I pressed my cheek against the hotel rooms floor.

"So does food." Erica mumbled as she struggled to get her body up from the floor.

"Here, you girls are beginners so I'll go easy for now. We can schedule back up for tomorrow." He took a deep breath sitting up and I sighed against the floor.

"How long are you gonna be here?" Amber crossed her arms standing up and he chuckled.

"Well for as long as your team wants me around." He said with a smile and I groaned against the floor as my abdomen and arms burned.

"Why can't we just start with Yoga or some relaxing shit?" Erica sighed and Amber hit her arm aggressively.

"I hear it hurts more." She hissed lowly causing me to giggle in pain.

"Yoga is actually really helpful and good for your body it's more effective than regular workouts." Mariano smiled standing up and I heard a knock on the door.

"Somebody get the stupid door!" Natalie huffed as she breathed in deeply from her nose with her eyes closed.

"I can't get up." I whispered and Amber stepped on my butt as she walked towards the door.

"Ohh hello there your girlfriend is dead on the floor-"

"Just like her banana!" I heard Lauren laugh and I turned my head towards the door seeing Camila and the girls of Fifth Harmony.

"What happened?" Camila asked Amber with a laugh as she looked down at me.

"Mr. Trainingwheels happened." Amber mumbled as Camila walked towards me.

"Hey baby." She chuckled sitting down next to me and I groaned.

"Hi." I mumbled out and she ran her hand against my back.

"You all gonna get dressed soon?" Dinah asked laying down on my bed while I moved onto my back.

"Yeah Rachel and the crew should be coming in, in about an hour." I mumbled as Camila lightly ran her fingertips across my abdomen.

"Yeah same for us so we just thought we would hangout for a bit." Camila smiled and I puckered out my lips playfully causing her to giggle and lean down.

"I gotta take a shower." I said before pecking Camila's plump lips once more and sitting up.

"Hey Y/N." The Italian trainer spoke and I looked at him.

"Also if you keep it up your stamina and endurance will be better which means you'll go," He paused and cleared his throat, "longer." He hinted and I looked at Camila as she played with the string on my shorts.

"Y-Yeah true." I started to stammer over my words and he chuckled standing up with me.

"Wait!! I have to take a shower!" Erica looked at me with a pout and I sighed.

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