•Chapter 142•

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"Hi." I heard a voice and I slowly opened my eyes knowing it wasn't Camila's.

"Come on, get up." I heard another voice and I blinked away the blurriness just to see green eyes.

"Move your ass." I heard another voice and I looked around to see Erica, Nat, and Amber cuddling around me.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked lowly since my voice was shot from last night.

Last night... man, fuck last night.

"We're uh gonna take you out on a Serendipity date." Natalie smiled cutely while Amber rubbed my leg.

"I'm okay guys, I really don't know why you're here." I mumbled as I closed my eyes but all I could see was... ew.

"Well I don't care what you feel, Camila has a doctors appointment today and you need to go with her. That's the real reason we're here because I don't wanna beat your ass. Then we can go eat or something." Amber bluntly spoke and I just stayed put.

"I'm gonna get Adrianna on you. I will make her beat your ass."

"I'm tired." I yawned closing my eyes again and felt physically sick to my stomach.

"Plus you have to try on the suit with us. Make sure it fits so we don't have to send it back at the wrong time." Erica smacked my arm softly and giggled while I frowned irritatedly.

"Just... stop."

"Okay, listen here, you've been drinking way too much of that dumb bitch juice. Yes, I may have got it for you but homie you need to get up and pull your head out of your ass. You've been sulking for a week now and I will not have it. Camila has a doctors appointment for your baby and if you don't get up I will drag your ass to hell oh so help me God!" Amber snapped and I huffed throwing the blankets off of me.

"Natalie and Kylie's team have everything fucking ordered and if you don't get back in the mood I will kick your ass until you're in your damn suit!" She smacked my ass and I hissed hopping up.

"Okay! Okay! Fuck!" I yelled out and before I knew it she smacked me harshly causing the girls to gasp and leap up.

"Damn, I've been waiting to do that." She huffed, "I'm smacking some sense into you."

"You're a bitch." I was so drained that I didn't have the energy to hit her back.

I just pushed her out of my way and slid some shorts on and a shirt that was already on the floor.

"I told the camera crew to like chill around you so don't kill them please." Natalie rubbed my back but I didn't care.

I didn't give a shit if any footage was leaked, I did not care if anyone found out I was acting like a big ole pussy. I was just in a funk because again I didn't know anything and when I found out I didn't have enough time to prepare myself. I mean, I could've handled it if I was there every step of the way supporting her career decisions but damn. I wasn't worthy enough to know until everything was just about wrapped up?

Everyday since the snippet was released was complete trash... since it was now the day after the release, I knew I had to pull my weight. People could have bad days. I could have a bad day. So, I just cleared my throat and walked out the door and down the stairs. I could hear them follow me and when I entered the living room I cracked a smile to see Adrianna all dressed up.

She turned her head hearing footsteps and she let down her toys to stand up with an unsteady balance. She cutely dusted off her hands and stumbled to me with a cute heart fluttering giggle. Almost instantly I felt that sunshine in my soul and I swooped her up. She reached up and gave me a peck on the lips causing me to blow air into her neck. She screamed out her laughter as it made a fart sound from the vibrations.

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