•Chapter 63•

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A/N: (I'm just updating random shit cause I miss this story)

But You guys have no idea how much I hate epic I have never seen a workplace as lazy as those piece of shits my girls deserve better.

Especially Camila (I get she's hella successful rn with Havana but epic isn't doing shit for U.S. Promo.) the last time they did promo was back in September 💀 tf some greedy ass bitches😭.

Sorry for that.. enjoy tho x 👀


"What?!" I hissed and she itched the back of her neck while she nodded.

"Yeah, he's at the airport right now trying to get a cab. Mom said she wasn't picking him up cause she'd get lost." Y/S/N snorted but quickly stopped when she saw how upset I was.

"Wow." I scoffed while I started to sit up trying to be quiet as I could for Camila.

I frowned as my thoughts started going and my mind was racing with all the negative shit I had to say.

"I uh I have plans." I mumbled as I looked back at Camila.

"Y/NN...it's been years-"

"Do I look like I give a shit if it's been a long time? I'm good, thanks but I have shit to do unlike him." I said as I walked out of the room hoping that Camila would have every minute of sleep.

"I gotta pick Erica's dumb ass up after I go to Camila's studio with her."

"And I have to call in with someone back in Brooklyn, I just have things to do." I said and Y/S/N just sighed deeply.

"Whatever sis you keep being bitter-"

"You were a fucking child please don't speak upon shit when you don't know what the fuck, Y/S/N." I hissed at her irritated with the fact she honestly didn't know anything about how toxic everything was.

"Hey, don't talk your sister like that!" My mom yelled and I clenched my jaw shaking my head.

"He's not staying in my home." I spoke loud enough for my mom to hear and she rolled her eyes as she focused on the large tv.

"We'll figure it out when he gets here."

"There's nothing to figure out." I shook my head and looked at my little sister, "Don't be ashamed to hangout with him cause I don't want to. You have fun. I have my own shit to handle."

My sister walked off to the backyard with Dion and I took a deep breath once more, "I don't need to be fucking stressed right now." I huffed to myself just to have my phone ring loudly.

I looked down to see the alarm going off for me to wake Camila and I bit my lip.

"Ma, I'll be back in a few hours." I yelled through my house as I walked back to my room.

"Uh huh, have fun, baby." She snacked on her food she found in my fridge.

I made my way up to Camila and quickly wrapped her up in a blanket burrito causing her to shoot her eyes open. I kissed her quickly so I could remind myself that today didn't exactly have to be a bad day. Luckily she had already put on some of my own clothes when I was out.

She whimpered and I could see she was shivering while I held her in a secure blanket hold. I grabbed her phone, charger, and walked downstairs with her in my arms. She giggled to herself as she kept her eyes closed while I smiled down at her.

"I got you, baby." I chuckled before I quickly shouted out my goodbyes to my family.

I unlocked my Range Rover with skill and set her in the passenger seat softly. By now her tired eyes were open and she gave me an adoring smile as I got into the vehicle. She cuddled into the thin Ninja Turtle blanket and I reached over just to buckle her in with a laugh.

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