•Chapter 117•

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A/N: I say I need new friends but I suck at replying so like y'all needa make a group chat or sum qkzkak

Also.. there will be no twins. I don't like twins idk. I only fw kiah's twins so.. fuck outta here with that bs LMAO. And I need y'all to start telling me boy or girl and what names (btw pls no cracker ass names like Connor or Colton, shit like that, thank you)


"You got this babes, don't be nervous. There's literally no reason to be afraid." Natalie rubbed my back and I kept my head against her shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah I know." I breathed in deep as I looked at my watch as my arms were still around her.

"Everyone's hyped that this is the last day of the North American leg of the tour. It's gonna be good." I nodded as she checked her phone against my back.

"Mhm, you're gonna be trending. Great promo for Beautiful, you're gonna have a baby, and Camila's gonna be gushing at the sight of this ring. My little superstar you're gonna be everything you ever dreamed of being." She leaned back and kissed my forehead before taking in a deep breath.

I followed her breathing patterns and felt more at ease, she cradled my head before pecking my nose.

"I'm so proud of you." She patted my back again and I suddenly heard her phone start ringing.

"Oh my god hi, did that bitch do it yet?!" I heard Amber's voice and I poked my head into the shot.

"Hi baby girl." She suddenly cooed and I rolled my eyes as I took Nat's phone.

"No I did-"

"Did she do it yet?!" Erica yelled in the background and suddenly flew onto the bed next to Amber.

"Oh.. hi bubs." She then cutely smiled and Amber pushed her away.

"No, she's still on stage right about now but I'm gonna meet up with her at the-"

"Wait." Amber cut me off and I frowned.

"You're gonna meet there? You're not gonna drive her yourself?" She asked me and I looked around as I played with the ends of my hoodie strings.

"And you're gonna propose in a hoodie?!" Erica joined in and Natalie rolled her eyes before patting my back again.

"You're fine, love, ignore them-"

"'No! Bitch get the fuck up and go upstairs and change! Then get your car and drive to the fucking location!"

"With her inside the car, Y/NN." Er deadpanned and I blinked at her with a straight face.

"No shit, Er." I looked up as I heard a car drive by.

"Where are y'all anyways?" Amber asked as she moved up to sit crisscross.

"Mama's." Natalie playfully stick out her tongue as she breathed in the crisp air.

"Then what the hell are you waiting for? Go get dressed!"

"The fuck am I supposed to wear? A whole ass suit- she's gonna be in a hoodie and shorts anyway." I huffed and they both looked at each other.

"But she's pregnant she has a right to look like a slob."

"She's Camila Cabello, she can never look like a slob." I retorted and leaned up against the wall as Natalie took her phone back.

"True enough but at least make her dress up a little. Tell her to slip on her Nike's instead of her crocs. This shit gonna be plastered on Insta in about three hours. Don't regret your fashion choices." Amber was the best at talking out of her ass that I really started to believe her.

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