•Chapter 112•

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A/N: I wonder if ppl look at this story for the first time and be like oh fuck no 100+ chapters? NEXT!

A/N: I wonder if ppl look at this story for the first time and be like oh fuck no 100+ chapters? NEXT!

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"What the hell am I gonna do about the tour Camila?" Roger sighed deeply and Gian stood by shaking his head.

"This was really irresponsible of you." Gian disapproved of the sudden announcement and I frowned with Sinu.

"I-I'm sorry." Camila beat herself up over it and I quickly stepped up.

No one was gonna make my baby feel bad for having a baby.

"Hey!" I snipped quickly, "Don't you fucking make her feel bad because she's creating a life. She is a grown ass woman and what's disgusting is that you're saying this is bad because of business. Fuck business! Things are different now and I will fucking be damned if you stress her out to the point of her breaking down again!" I snapped feeling my body radiate with anger.

"Because it won't happen. I don't give a shit if I have to throw my entire career away. It won't happen." I punctuated as I stared into their eyes as they shuffled their feet.

"I can still do the North American leg of the tour, but that's all. That's enough elevation for the time being." She stated clearly and then looked my way for reassurance, "I'll already be doing promo for Beautiful with Y/NN anyway."

"I mean so far my career has been great, I'll figure something out. Like always." She shrugged and she grabbed my hand while Sinu smiled at me gratefully.

"This conversation is over, I am disappointed in you." Sinu stood up as she shook her head at Roger.

The managers both looked down and I grabbed Camila's hand gently. We left the table and walked out of the room while Camila looked up at me with a glint in her eye. She gripped my hand and we continued to walk back to my vehicle. We both really haven't had any alone time since yesterday. Sinu was deep in our business about everything and I knew my mom would've been the same way.

I had yet to call her cause I could already hear her voice, I didn't know how to break the news the girls either. Especially Erica. I didn't know how her reaction would be. I just didn't want anymore drama and she was one of the most important people in my life.

When we drove to Camila and I's house I sighed deeply while Camila gave me a knowing look. She knew I needed to call my mom and the girls. She grabbed Sinu by the shoulders and dragged her towards the kitchen. I bit the inside of my cheek as I watched her walk away with a smile. She's pregnant. Wow.

I groaned and pulled out my phone as I walked out back while Lexa followed me as usual. She plopped down on my feet like always and I tapped my the call button on my mothers contact. After a few rings I'm surprised she even picked up, she never really does.

"Hi baby." She laughed to herself as I heard someone in the background.

"Uh ma, I gotta tell you something important." I mumbled not really knowing how to do this.

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