•Chapter 92•

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A/N: It's gonna be a long chapter guys.. kinda, it surpassed 5K words so 👀🤷🏻‍♀️


"Errrrricaaaaa!" Amber sang loudly as she entered my studio with Lexa.

"Just take me kid why don't cha." I mumbled as Lexa excitedly ran around.

"Hmmm?" I heard Erica hum before screeching.

"Hi puppy, how are you baby girl?" Erica cooed as she picked up the half grown dog.

"You're so cute, hello love." She cooed again and I gasped at the sight of a whole ass box of pizza.

"Oh my god." I fell to my knees and crawled to it quickly.

"No!" She kicked the box closed and I glared up at her.

"Bitch, what?!"

"It's mine! Yours is over there." She pointed which was on top of the corner table.

"Question." Amber mumbled as she slowly sat down on the couch.

"Hm?" I picked up a slice of pizza from the table.

"How many times have you and Camila fucked on this couch?" She asked and I suddenly stopped breathing.

"Ew, guys come on." Erica grimaced as she put down her pizza.

"Uhm that is classified information Ms. Johnson." I playfully spoke and Amber giggled evilly.

"Okay, what song are we sending Rob? We have a deadline and we have so many." Amber sighed and I looked around before rolling my eyes.

"Actually... we don't have any song since Nat has yet to record her parts." I leaned back against the table and Amber's face dropped.

"Oh fuck, oh no, this isn't good then! What are we gonna do? Where the fuck is she?!" She gasped and I chuckled shaking my head.

"Stop, relax. We got this guys. We're kinda good at being under pressure, right? I mean if we weren't I think we all would've been dropped, right?" I somewhat joked and they both looked up at me.

"Maybe Er can accidentally leak another song to give us time?" I joked again and she rolled her eyes.

"Another distraction." Amber giggled with me while Erica became quiet.

"We're kidding Er, don't take it personal." I smiled softly before grabbing another slice of pizza.

"Okay, calm down you cow, I want some too." Amber stood up to walk to the pizza box and I sat in the rolling chair next to the booth.

"I have no idea what we're gonna name this album let alone what songs will be on it. It's so frustrating." I mumbled lowly and Amber leaned over to press a few buttons.

Soon enough I heard the playback of the song, Ex. I then started to laugh when I heard the guitars and echoing.

"God, this song is so white." I sighed before laughing and Amber started to laugh with me.

"It is but it's still good." Amber shrugged and I heard Erica crack up.

"Oh God, Y/NN." She laughed causing us three to laugh when we heard Amber singing.

After the small laughing session Amber ate her pizza in silence before popping up quickly. She gasped loudly as she licked her pizza sauce covered lips.

"What if we just call the album Come Find Me? I mean to be honest it fits, Natalie is gone having hulu sex with Daniel.. We all don't know how to put the songs in order. We don't even know if we have the right songs for it." Amber suggested and I raised my eyebrows at the thought of it.

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