•Chapter 87•

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A/N: I have a question.. and no hate at all because I all love all the girls but... Remember when 727 came out and they split up for Promo?? Like Dinah had west coast, Lauren had east coast, Camila went to like fucking Montana or some shit while the A and N went to the south? Anyways.. Dinah said they already had started on 5H3 and that was like a year prior to Camila going solo.... wouldn't that mean they all knew C was leaving then since she's not on 5H3 ??? 💀💀💀

 wouldn't that mean they all knew C was leaving then since she's not on 5H3 ??? 💀💀💀

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idk just a thought, enjoy tho x


"Together! Together everyone!" Camila clapped her hands over her head as she walked down the hall in her stage get up.

Honestly it was lowkey getting to me cause her ass was just... out there. She didn't think too much of it but I was practically drooling over her. But she had to start singing High School Musical to break me out of my thoughts. I looked at the back of her head with a look causing her to smile over her shoulder.

"Come on babys." She smiled cutely and interlocked our fingers.

She swung our hands while we made our way to the stage and she then turned around when we reached the stairs.

"Okay.. I was wondering if you'd come out during Write On Me or like Who Are You? With Ashlee of course." She smiled and I frowned in confusion causing her eyes to widen, "To play the guitar!" She quickly spoke and I nodded with a chuckle.

"Yeah, I don't mind." I chuckled causing her to nod and kiss my cheek.

"Alright, I'll call you up." She smirked and I leaned in kissing her lips before she walked to where Dinah was.

I guess they were gonna rise up instead of just walking onto a dark stage. Which was always funny for me to watch when Dinah and Camila screamed. They got scared of the smoke machines sometimes so I stood back waiting. Her hand then interlocked with Dinah's as they started talking. Suddenly it all stopped and the entire stage darkened. I wet my lips and walked up the stairs to watch from the sidelines.

The entire crowd screamed the loudest they could as the machines went off. Dinah's voice started speaking causing me to smile at how the simple sound made the crowd chaotic. Lauren's voice came in as they spoke together and then Mani and the rest.

Then the beat dropped causing me to smile and lean back as they started to sing. Funny how I always wanted to be one of the teenagers in front. But was now backstage dating one of the members. I cockily smirked to myself before taking my phone out and took a couple pictures from my own angle.

Watching the show pass by rather quickly as I watched the way the girls interacted with the crowd. I was actually excited for the meet and greet after the show. I was always excited to meet fans just like Camila but I was extra careful now since I got puked on. That shit was terrifying and it scarred me.

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