•Chapter 38•

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A/N: ....Pick a fucking birthday pls March 13, May 5, September 23, or October 30...I can't have all y'alls bdays so my bad. 😒😒


I sighed heavily as I waited on Camila's text but never got one back apparently after some small fight about my flight time. Our flight was leaving in an hour and I didn't find out till last night but she didn't believe me. Our little bubble of happiness that Erica gave us popped two days after it was given.

She spent more time out with Lauren while I stayed at the studio working on songs because I had nothing else to do. I no longer liked going on Twitter or any social media app because I knew I'd see a low quality picture of Lauren and my girlfriend together.

Ever since the day Lauren walked in on us having sex I became more nice to her because nothing was going to change. Camila didn't like it when I was "mean" towards her and how childish we both are to each other. So I sucked it up and conversed with her when I needed to but in a civil, friendly manner.

But ever since I started to become more "nice" they've spent way more time with each other. It was like I was tricked into saying that it was okay for them to hang out every single minute of the day. Now I was leaving and she hadn't spoken to me since ten last night and I was wondering why? I didn't do anything.

I've been the person she wanted me to be and I took care of her and supported their friendship but nothing else. So I sat in the van waiting for a text that I knew wasn't coming and it sucked because I knew she wasn't either.

I laid my head back listening to our recorded songs and wrote some lyrics down. I now had a composition notebook full of random songs and doodles just by the way shit was going. It was nice though. Knowing at least a few of these songs would be a hit and we'd make even more money by the way I was feeling.

"Yoooo boob." Erica smiled at me but pouted when I ignored her.

"Want a cookie?" She asked in a cute high pitched voice and raised up a sugar cookie and a chocolate chip that was bitten.

I took her chocolate chip and she smiled moving so she could sit next to me. She watched me listen to some music while I thought about a sentence that made sense but also rhymed with you.

"I like it." Erica whispered and nodded as she read the lyrics I had written down.

I stared at the paper that was filled with words and sketches of random pictures and things. She then looked at me laying her chin on my shoulder while she focused on my expressionless face.

"What happened now?" She whispered and I looked at her briefly before shrugging.

"I don't know." I whispered truthfully and she gave a sympathetic look before putting away her cookie.

"Lauren?" She asked and I sighed shrugging again.

"Why don't you talk to Camila again? Communication is key." She suggested and I didn't have the energy to interrupt her.

"Er. Trust me I have but every time I bring her up it's me being mean and I need to stop because Lauren isn't doing anything. Every time I try to talk to her an argument happens and I don't know what to do anymore. I don't speak about it anymore but she still found something to get mad at me last night." I shrugged and looked down sadly while she rubbed my forearm in a friendly manner.

"W-What if it's not Lauren though?" I thought out loud and she frowned slightly in confusion.

"What you mean?"

"What if it's just Camila? She's happy when she gets an orgasm but it's like I'm doing everything wrong." I said and she shook her head before sighing.

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