•Chapter 122•

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I was running around not knowing what the fuck to do, all that pain and rage she's been going through just bottomed the hell out. Once the doctor said she was free to curse and say what ever she wanted she bursted. Thirteen hours we waited for everything to be set and ready to go. I had to watch her contractions come in every hour to every thirty minutes to every fifteen to every five until they were ninety to thirty seconds apart. They were thirty to forty seconds long and she'd groan and cry every time.

She was trying her hardest to not ask for epidural for some unknown fucking reason. I was extremely against that but it was her body and all I could do was try and convince her. I remember I tried to feed her a cupcake about an hour ago and she slapped it out of my hand.

Sinu flew in early but was still at the airport and Dr. Osler came in straight away. I think she didn't have a problem since she was gonna help birth a multimillionaire baby. We were also her favorite patients. Lexa had to be taken back home- Amber was the first to show up and Erica offered to watch over Lexa.

Natalie started to sleep with her ringer off now so she was probably still asleep. She was gonna hate herself if she didn't get up any time soon. I paced the hall until I heard Camila call out for me again and I ran back inside the room. They were waiting till her cervix was dilated about ten centimeters (about four inches) and I think it was almost time. She had been at three cm dilated when her water broke and I had no idea she was having contractions then.

She'd been complaining about cramps but it wasn't like big ones and she told me not to worry. We thought it would've been like other times before where it was false alarms and her body's way to help her adjust to the pain for labor. Boy were we wrong.

"Baby, please come back I don't mean it-" She was cut off by a deep loud groan and the doctors checked the beeping machine next to her.

"It's okay, I'm not upset, breathe baby, breathe." I went for it and held her hand then suddenly it was gripped.

"Owwwww, ow fuck- Y/NN." She cried loudly and her hairs were already sticking to her face.

"Karla are you sure you don't want the medicine? You won't be in so much pain please." I begged her quietly and she nodded as the doctors started to rush a bit.

"Medicine! Please can I-"

Dr. Osler didn't stop for a second and had the epidural at the speed of light. Camila's back was out in the open and it was so smooth I didn't even know how this woman knew what to do. Dr. Osler numbed her back first with a local anesthetic then had the biggest fucking needle I've ever seen in my life.

"Holy fuck yo." Amber mumbled lowly as she videoed for me.

"Shut up." I hissed and the needle went into her back causing me to close my eyes.

"Bro... she has a tube in her back." Amber whispered again and I swear I almost fainted when I reopened my eyes again.

"Okay, okay, you're gonna feel a lot better in a couple minutes." Dr. Osler spoke as she quickly checked the machine next to her.

She came back until she checked under Camila's blanket to check how dilated she was. The blonde quickly smiled and pulled back as she patted Camila's leg.

"Camila, you ready to get this baby out of you?" I heard Dr. Osler say as they prepped Camila's legs up and Camila gasped loudly.

"Please! Please get her out of me!" She gasped and we all chuckled softly at the woman in agony.

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