•Chapter 88•

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A/N: Lmaooo like it's been like 12 days yikes I didn't even realize tbh. Oh and Kiah can literally choke on a muddy shoe for forcing me to update. Bitchass "i WoNt uPdAtE fOr A mOnTh iF sHe DoEsNt UpDaTe In ThE nExT tWo DaYs."

Btw I didn't proofread, enjoy tho x

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Btw I didn't proofread, enjoy tho x


"Oh God, I can't wait to just get in the studio to finish recording." Camila sighed deeply and laid her head on my shoulder as we were driven to the airport.

"I wish I could stay in the studio but I gotta head to a meeting. They're probably gonna talk about the whole Erica thing set out some different plans. I don't know." I mumbled super tired from the lack of sleep I got last night.

We probably had maybe a couple hours of sleep then we had to get up to drive to the airport. I wasn't tryna complain too much because who'd deny any Camila lovin?

"Where is she by the way?" She asked me suddenly while she interlocked our fingers.

"I don't know, I gotta play Dora The Explorer with her when we get back." I rolled my eyes and closed them causing her to softly laugh.

"You'll be okay though, right?" She mumbled and I nodded while I furrowed my eyebrows a bit.

"Yeah, of course." I smiled down at her as her pretty brown eyes looked up at me.

"Don't worry, we're good." I kissed the top of her head and soon enough the car came to stop.

"After you my queen." Camila mumbled with a chuckle and I looked back at her bodyguard.

"You got Lexa right?" I asked his partner and they both nodded while they got out.

I pushed the door open letting me fully hear the loud clicks of the cameras going off. I sighed to myself as I grabbed Camila's hand while she slipped her sunglasses on. She interlocked our fingers all the while some of her crew started to grab our luggage.

"Hey guys!" Camila smiled at the paparazzi causing me to chuckle as they continued to shout over each other.

I could care less about the paps I mean all they did was look for something juicy and "hurtful."

"We gotta hurry." I mumbled against her ear causing her grip to tighten on my hand.

"Come on." She whispered cutely and started to walk faster.

We practically ran into the airport while the paps calmly but loudly asked us random questions. Anything to get our attention and after we did our ritual of following the airports instructions we were nicely settled in on a plane. A few people stared us down in first class while Camila already started to make herself comfortable. I looked out the window to see the sun barely rising and felt Camila's head on my shoulder.

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