•Chapter 118•

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A/N: Keep the names comin I need more input, No Wack Ass Names, no Oliver's, no Zach's, no Bens, no Jacobs, no Jessica's, no Kelsey's, no Cindy's, no Rachel's, no Kaitlyns, + (Noah fence to anyone with those names)


"Oh my God baby, look at this ring. Where'd you get it?" She gasped as we drove back to my mom's house and I smiled to myself.

"It was custom made, I've had it for over a year now." I itched the back of my neck and she happily stared at it.

"It's so... shiny." She mumbled and kept playing around with it.

"Oh my dear, it sure is hot in this car." She spoke over dramatically and fanned herself with her hand.

"Why don't you look over there, oh, I apologize for blinding you with this big rock on my finger." She gasped again and I started to laugh as she went on.

"Oh? We going on a swim missy? Well I may have to take off this ring or I'll sink right to the bottom." Her country accent was one hundred percent on at the moment and I died laughing.

"I really am putting on some weight my cinnamon apple, must take off this lovely ole diamond ass ring- oop, pardon my language it really gets me going at times."

"My wife? Oh my dear wife custom made this with her rich money, try and beat that Richard." She spat at her imagination and I laughed loudly.

She giggled with me as she continued to look down at her finger.

"It really is nice though, baby. I'm glowing because of it." She beamed and I felt my heart palpitate from her happiness.

"Good, I want nothing but the best for you." I kissed her hand and continued to drive.

"I guess a few people saw us leave the club." She giggled and looked through her phone.

"What is that?!" She laughed as she read the comments on whatever app she was on.

"Is that a ring- baby you bet it is, it's not even a ring it's a whole ass settlement. This is a whole two Maserati's."

"Try five." I bit my lip and her eyes widened.

"This is half a million dollars right now?" She whispered as if she were afraid and I giggled softly.

"Oh my god, half a million dollars is on my finger right now." She looked down at her hand again while I continued to drive.

"Holy shit." She whispered and I smirked while her phone started to buzz uncontrollably.

"Uh Roger." She mumbled and I suddenly frowned.

"That doesn't mean-"

"Hiii Roger!" Camila smiled as she answered her phone and I shifted in my seat.

"Uh.. yes, I did- literally thirty minutes ago actually." She nervously laughed and I glanced at her as she continued to look down at her hand.

"Thank you, no I didn't know. I mean I wasn't gonna hide this massive ring. It's impossible anyway." She laughed again before starting to speak up, "People really have a good eye out, damn."

"Didn't Perez get fired though? Wait, it's already in the works at E News? It's been like five seconds!" She panicked and grabbed my arm with her left hand.

"Roger, do what you have to, I'm not gonna let some news outlet tell everyone I'm engaged. I wanna do that on my own. I mean they can speculate all they want but they deserve to hear it from me or Y/NN. Especially my pregnancy. But that's a different time, they already blasted me." She sighed and I smirked as I remembered how TMZ put up an article claiming Camila was actually pregnant.

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