•Chapter 34•

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Warning: it will be boring 😒😭


"I'M KILLING HER Y/N! OKAY?!" I heard Amber yell and I groaned in my sleep not knowing what she talking about.

"Huh?" I hummed loudly and she stomped into the room where I was.

"I am fucking killing Camila Cabello when we get back okay? No matter what you say I'm still gonna do my own damn thing." Amber crossed her arms and I saw Erica walk in sleepily scratching her stomach as she yawned.

"What's going on?" She asked looking down at me and I shrugged tiredly.

"God you look so warm I just wanna snuggle." She pouted and I giggled rubbing my feet together before looking at Amber.

"What did Camila do?" I asked in a frown and she showed me a picture that privately sent by Dinah.

It was them on a dance floor as Lauren held her closely- wait a minute... Is she touching my babygirl's ass? Wait..Camila is hella close to her face-

"What the fuck is this shit?" I asked with a frown and scrolled through Dinah's text messages.

"That's what I'm saying!"

Dinahsaur💖: I'm not tryna be a bitch and call my best friend out but do you think this looks wrong? *inserts pic*

Dinahsaur💖: I mean you did tell me to tell you anything that happens between C and L..?

Amburnn🔥: ....Does that look wrong? What kind of question is that DJ? Are you blind? Would you be dancing like that with someone else if you were dating someone???

Dinahsaur💖: Well they are best friends Amb ?

Amburnn🔥: Lauren still has strong feelings..you can't be just friends with someone you once loved and that person still loves you smh

Dinahsaur💖: Uhm..E and Y/I (Your Initials) are best friends

Amburnn🔥: Because Erica's a weird bitch who acted like she didn't care but it bit her in the ass and now she's alone..LMAO that's funny poor her

Dinahsaur💖: You're so fucked up 😂😂

Amburnn🔥: Anyways Y/NN focused more on the band than her. She got over her after a year..well almost a year. Erica remained the same. She acted like she didn't care so she could let Y/N move on boop bop.

Dinahsaur💖: That's quite cute actually

Amburnn🔥: Yep it may sound that way but it wasn't fun mending up Erica's heart. Fucking DANISH bitch cried for days I HAD TO COOK FOR HER 😭😭 I love her stupid ass tho.

Dinahsaur💖: Just her ass?

Amburnn🔥: Bitch bye I do not see Erica like that 😷

Dinahsaur💖: Okay okay ! We totally got off topic! Should I talk to Mila and see what's going on?

Amburnn🔥: idk I'm going to tell Y/N tho what if Mila doesn't tell her? Y/N should at least know what went down.

Dinahsaur💖: I don't think anything happened tho they were just really close.

Amburnn🔥: It don't matter..you're not supposed to dance with your ex like that

Amburnn🔥: Asjksjs especially when that ex is still in love with you smh

Dinahsaur💖: I get it I'll talk to Mila tonight tho...only if she doesn't pass out before I say anything.

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