•Chapter 32•

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Camila's POV

"Three more days that's all." Y/N chuckled which only caused me to groan as I looked at her beautiful face through FaceTime.

"Trust me I'm counting down the days." I rolled my eyes to myself and she smiled at me.

"Have you heard though? Everyone has literally been asking me if I'm dating you or not." Y/N informed me and I smirked shrugging.

"I stalk you everyday I know what they say." I smirked causing her to laugh while I got comfortable on the couch.

"So you have any cute ideas on coming out or are you not ready?" She asked and I blushed shrugging.

"I'm ready trust me but uh but I really don't wanna say "oh yeah I am dating Y/N" in an interview-"

"Stage wise? National television?" She wiggled her eyebrows and I giggled again.

"Yeah but when? The Teen Choice Awards are like way too close and the next award show we both will be attending to will be in like-"

"August..in a month babe that's good though because the next award show would be the VMA's and that's where we met. It'll be all cute and shit." Y/N cut me off which still made me smile even if I hated being cut off.

"You're right, that would be really cute." I cooed and she laughed smiling her beautiful pearly whites.

"Plus I think we're gonna perform on one of the stages but I don't know it's like an "eh" type of situation." Y/N shrugged before drinking her soda can and I smiled softly at her.

"So where are you guys exactly? I lost track and I'm ashamed."

"Babe." Y/N chuckled shaking her head, "We're in Pennsylvania we'll be in New York though for a radio interview. I'll get to see my mama." She cutely said causing me to smile.

"Tell her I said hi baby."

"Will do. You know she doesn't even know you and she loves you. I think it's because I used to talk about you sooo much- well I still do but that's besides the point."

"You're cute." I commented and she sighed staring into the camera which basically pierced through my soul.

"And youu should send me a nude." She said quite seriously and I laughed which made her giggle a bit but her face turned serious again.

"I'm being serious." She looked at me and I sighed rolling my eyes.

"What makes you think you deserve one?" I squinted my eyes and she itched her head looking to her left.

"Uhh well how about I send you one after?" She suggested and I stifled a laugh before looking down briefly.

"I don't want a dick pic when I can just wait to get the real thing." I said before quickly looking around just in case one of the girls or my parents were around.

"I'll eat you out when I get back with the new Gucci purse." Y/N stated and I complemented on it as I bit my cheek.

"Hmm okay Y/L/N up your bargaining game I need more."

"That and matching heels?" She asked and hummed thinking again.

"But for what though?" I asked and she frowned in confusion.

"That for these mini water balloons? Or more for my chamber of secrets?" I asked and she started laughing to herself.

I then started giggling; proud of myself for making my girlfriend laugh or simply telling a good joke.

"Uhm I'll give you all that plus more for both?" She giggled running a hand through her hair and I smiled.

"Like what Y/L/N?"

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