•Chapter 106•

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A/N: Agaaainnnn reminding y'all for the LAST TIME! There will be time jumps! Like now..


*Three months later - September, 21st*

"Oh my god the fans are so freaking sad, I don't wanna disappoint them, fuck." Camila sighed deeply as she started to beat herself up over the push back date.

"Hey, they'll understand. You have a lot of content it's understandable to make the album perfect. Babe.. please don't stress over this." I pouted as I pulled her into me and she sighed deeply.

"At least I could go on tour with you right?" She breathed out and shook her head as she closed her eyes.

"You can do whatever you wanna do baby. Don't over exert yourself though, your health is my concern. You get sick so easily." I chuckled pulling her up to me and she sighed.

"I just wanna be with you." She mumbled and tried to grab my phone.

I shook my head and tossed my phone onto the bed as I lifted her up. I giggled at her when she knew I noticed her trying to grab my phone. She tried nuzzling her face into mine causing me to laugh and kiss her lips. I pushed her down to the bed and she kicked her legs up to stop me. I playfully grabbed her legs from my standing position when she reached for my phone again.

"Stay away from Twitter!" I yelled at her and she giggled deeply before crying out loudly.

"Baby! Please!" She screamed and I pulled her harshly towards me till her legs dropped.

I leaned over gently pinning her wrists against the sides of her head and she kissed my lips. Her now happy self giggled against my lips as I tried my best to keep her mind off it.

"No one's upset today, relax. They've been known you have way more content than normal." I whispered looking into her eyes and I heard Lexa whine from behind me.

"Come on girl, tell mommy I'm right." I patted the bed next to Camila and Camila grinned cutely.

Lexa excitedly hopped up on the bed with a bark and I laughed protecting Camila from Lexa's paws. Camila wrapped her legs around me still clad in my boxers and one of my long sleeved tees. I cutely kissed her face before leaning on one hand to caress her face with the other.

"You'll be just fine." I gently spoke to her while she hummed happily.

She let me caress her face as she closed her eyes letting herself relax and I leaned down and kissed her lips. She smiled against them while her hands came up and rested on my back. I sighed to myself and enjoyed the feeling of her plump lips on mine. I kissed them repeatedly till she was a giggling mess.

"Damn, I love your lips." I groaned and she laughed against my cheek as I kissed her jawline.

"Babe.. finish packing." She giggled and I kissed her lips again.

"I will." I sighed and she giggled again as I separated from her addictive lips.

She licked her lips before biting her lower one and I playfully grabbed her legs.

"You're the one I want! You're the one I need!" I sang into her foot and she giggled as I ran my hands down her legs.

"Oh baby it's you!" I tried to hit that high note and my voice cracked.

We both ended up laughing causing her to spread her legs again and I fell in between them. I laughed obnoxiously loud into her chest while she laughed with me. I groaned through my laughter and pulled her to the edge as I stood back up.

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