Prom pt.2

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I hear squealing. "Uhh don't tell me another new year's prom?", I grumble as I put the covers over my head. "You know you don't have to go, right?", I hear Provost say. "I don't think Rebecca is going to let me pass this.", I reply. "Vic!!!!", I hear Rebecca shout excitedly. She runs in the room and jumps on the bed. "Vic, get up.", She exclaims. I sit up and glare at her. "Come on new years prom awaits.", She squeals. "I was thinking of going on the ship and talking to past Foust.", I reply. She rolls her eyes and says, " You can do that later, now come on!!" She drags me out of bed. The yellow dress is back on me. I sigh. "Foust get up!!", I demand. He groans in reply. I glare at him. "Yes?", He tiredly asks. "You're joining us for the new year's prom, now come on get up.", I reply. "Are you sure I can come?", He asks. "Well snowflake has been at the school twice and they didn't do anything so I'm sure you can come.", I reply. "He broke in, Vic and he's also very imitating so they were probably scared of him.", he states. "Ok and? He's you in the future; You can do the same.", I reply. He shrugs. "Ok, come on go and get dressed.", I say. He sighs, "Very well if you insist." He gets up and goes downstairs. Rebecca sequels, "I'll be sure to get some photos of you two this time!!!" I roll my eyes. We go downstairs and get some breakfast. Foust emerges from the laundry room and sits down next to me. "So we're going to wait until tonight?", He asks. I roll my eyes and reply, "Yeah, hopefully, snowflake won't come." "Hopefully not, since he's my future self he should already know that I'm joining you.", Foust states. I nod. While we're waiting for the afternoon to fall, I decide to catch up on some school work. I check the time and nudge Foust. We walk out and see the same car from last time. We get in and I see Charlie at the wheel. "Uhh have we met before?", he asks. Foust shakes his head and replies, "You probably saw my fur-". I interrupted, "Twin brother, that's his twin." Charlie nods and says, "oh so the guy who gave you the promise ring is related to him." Foust stares at me. I sigh and ask, "How much do you know about the multiverse?" "Quiet a bit why?", He asks. Foust interrupts, "Nothing, I guess my twin did give her a promise ring even tho we're married, I'll need to have a chat with him." "Wait ya'll are married?", Charlie asks shocked. "Yes we're married.", I reply. "Wow congrats.", He states. I nod. "So what's with the halos?", Ashely asks. I sigh, "Someone gave me my halo, and Foust's just appeared." I soon spot the school and we get out of the car. Foust hugs me and whispers, "I'll meet you inside." I nod and he teleports away. "Uhh what happened to your husband?", Ashely asks. "I don't want to answer that let's just get going ok?", I reply as I walk towards the entrance. Once I get through I walk towards the dark corner of bleachers and wait. "Hello little prey.", I hear Foust's voice say. I glare at Foust and reply, "Ha, Ha, very funny you forgot that I can see in the dark now, Foust." He pouts and replies, "I wanted to make you sacred oh well." He wraps his arms around me. "Well if I couldn't see in the dark I would be scared.", I reply. "Well shall we go and dance?", Foust asks. "How about we waltz right here?", I reply. He shrugs and says, "Up to you." "I mean we can't let anyone see you so....", I trial off. "What about music?", Foust asks. "I brought my phone and some wireless earbuds, I also downloaded a ton of waltzing music, so we can dance until the battery dies.", I answer. He smiles. "Oh don't be like those proper men back in the Victorian Era please.", I whine. "If I may so kindly have this dance.", He says as he bows with his hand outstretched. I glare at him then eventually sigh. "Yes you may have this dance.", I reply as I take his hand, he lifts his head and smiles. I roll my eyes and hand him an earbud. He puts it in and we start waltzing. "Mmm you must like waltzing music then.", Foust says. "I had to spend most of my life listening to it, it's rubbed off on me." I reply. He nods and asks, "So what did snowflake do when he was here?" "He kissed me.", I reply. He nods and sighs, "Of course he did." "Well it looks like I should get going I'll see you in a few hours.", Foust says as he steps away and gives me my airpod back. I take it from him and nod. He teleports out and I go into the crowd and find Rebecca. "Aww ya'll were so cute dancing together.", Rebecca sequels. "You took a video didn't you?", I ask. She nods. I sigh and roll my eyes. After a few minutes, we go home and I go upstairs to get out of my dress. "That was fun.", Foust says as I put on my PJs. "Of course it was; Anything is fun when it's with you.", I reply. "Aww, but will it be fun with my future self?", He asks. "Somewhat, you have a kinder face than snowflake.", I reply. He nods. "Let's go have some dinner.", I say as I walk out the door and go downstairs. After we have dinner, I do my nightly routine and go to bed.

My adventures with a vampire time travelerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang