Industrial Revolution/Steampunk Pt.3

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"Sweet nightmares? What does he mean by sweet nightmares?" I mutter to myself as I'm walking in the forest. I suddenly hear a twig snap a few feet behind me. I look behind me. "You've got to be kidding me, this is what he meant when he said sweet nightmares?" I mutter when I see future foust staring at me. He runs up to me and yells, "HELLO AGIAN LITTLE PREY!!!!" I scream back, "SCREW YOU!!!" I run away. "Please let me have my wings, please let me have my wings.," I mutter as I'm running.  "goddamnit.," I say as I try to get them out and nothing happens. "provost wake me up please.,"  I mutter. I suddenly stop when I reach the end of a cliff. I turn around and see him walking slowly towards me. "It looks like its the end of the line for you little birdy." I hear him say. The rubble underneath gives away before he has a chance to come any closer and I fall screaming as I do. I wake up and look around, I see I'm on the couch in the living room. I sigh. I get up from the couch and make myself some tea. Provost appears and says, "Good evening did you have a good nightmare?" I glance at him and sarcastically say, "yes it was a terrific nightmare." He nods and replies, "That's good to hear, Do you want to check on the airship pirates?" I ask, "Aren't they still looking for me?"  He thinks about it some and says, "Maybe I don't know but let's go." I sigh, grab my cup of tea, and find foust sitting on the window seal in my room. "So is that what you did while I was asleep?" I ask. He looks at me and nods. I see Rebecca sleeping in my bed.  I clear my voice loud enough for her to hear and she wakes up. She sits up, smiles and says, "Good afternoon, Vic." I roll my eyes and ask, "So foust are we going?" He nods and says, "After you finish your tea." I nod and say, "well, aren't you a gentleman." I finish it and walk back downstairs into the kitchen and put the cup in the sink. "let us get going." I say as Rebecca steps into the infinity circle. Once we land, I see that we're on the dock. Foust asks, "So angel shall we find the crew?" I nod. Rebecca looks at me weird and says, "angel? But your name is vi-angel." I shake my head and say, "not in this time period I go by angel."  She looks at me weird. I say, "You have provost to thank." Provost sarcastically says, "Aww you're welcome, angel. Love you."  I hear Chloe's voice  shout, "ANGEL AND FOUST ARE BACK!!!!!"  She hugs me then goes to foust. Aria nods and says, "welcome back both of you."  I look around and don't see ash with them. I ask, "what happened to ash?"  Aria shrugs and says, "We kicked her out after we found out what she did, we were worried that you got caught and when you didn't show up for days we were very depressed." I say, "aww I'm sorry. She injected me with something and I was in a room, but I escaped and then foust and I left." She nods and replies, "that was a good idea, they're still looking for you through." "Do they have a bounty on me?" I ask. She nods and says, "yeah they do, twenty thousand dollars as of now." I shake my head and ask, "what the hell? What are they planning?" She shrugs. Chloe says, "Uuu angel has a halo now."  I nod and say, "yeah I do."  She then stares at Foust's halo. she tilts her head to the side and asks, "why are they different colors?" I shrug and say, "I have no idea; a friend of mine gave it to me." Aria says, "well let's go get something to eat we now have a spare chair since ash isn't with us anymore." For the rest of the evening, we talk and eat food. After that foust picks me up and brings me to the spare bedroom. I look at him and ask, "um what are you doing?" He shrugs and says, "being a gentleman." I roll my eyes, He sets me down on the bed and I fall asleep.   

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