Wedding practice

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I start walking with Oliver down the aisle, halfway through my nerves get the better of me and I let go of Oliver's arm. "Hey, Vic!" He shouts. I ignore him and speed walk towards Foust. I walk behind Foust, pop my head out and see Oliver glaring at me.  Rebecca sighs. Provost disguised as a priest looks at me. His skin color is white with black hair slicked back, he has grey eyes and is wearing normal priest attire. How I could tell that it was Provost at first glance is because apparently Foust, Rebecca, and I are the only ones who can see his halo. I glare back at him and mutter, "Shut up." My mom sitting in the front pew looks at Provost and says, "I'm sorry we've taken up so much of your time." Provost shakes his head and replies, "Oh no it's fine, she's nervous, lot's of people are like that before their big day." Mom nods and says, "Yeah but I'm sure you didn't have a wedding rehearsal before the wedding." He nods and replies, "Well you are right about that." I start muttering under my breathe, "Don't summon the scythe, don't summon the scythe, don't summon the scythe."  Foust pets my head and mutters under his breathe, "I'm surprised Provost is being good." "He's bipolar.," I reply keeping my voice down. Rebecca gets up from the pew and says, "I'm surprised Father Mike isn't surprised by the halos though."  I look at Rebecca and mutter, "What is she doing? She'll blow his cover."  Provost looks at Rebecca and replies, "They're both a gift from a God and touching them would be an honor, however, I know that I have to refrian from poking at the halos or else it'll ruin the wedding." I roll my eyes and mutter, "Narcissist." I glare at Rebecca and she closes her mouth. Mom says, "Well let's do this again." I roll my eyes and walk off of the alter. We do this fifteen more times with me ending up walking up to Foust without Oliver. Provost glares at me, I glare back at him. He sighs and says, "We are doing this one more time ok." I roll my eyes and walk back to Oliver. Most of my senses suddenly go off. I still have my eyesight and proprioception. We walk through it flawlessly. I hear  muffled screaming of excitement. My senses come back on and I fully hear how loud mom is screaming. I wince.  She stands up and starts squealing. "That was perfect you just need to do that for tomorrow and it'll be perfect.", she squeals out. I nod. She says, "Now on to the next thing." I sigh and ask, "Aren't we done?" Oliver shakes his head and replies, "Nope we have a few more stuff to do now it's time for the vows." I roll my eyes. By the time we're done with everything, it's one in the afternoon. "I'm getting hungry.," I say as I lay my head on Foust's arm. I watch as Father Mike walks away. Soon Provost appears as himself and smiles. "Well, that was fun." He says, "Can't wait to do that tomorrow." I roll my eyes and mutter, "When are we leaving?"  Provost shrugs and replies, "I have no clue." We soon leave and make it back home. "I'll be checking up on a few things for tomorrow, I'll see you guys later bye." Mom replies as she drops us off at the house. Oliver unlocks the door and we walk into the house. I hear Oliver say, "I'll be at Brad's, call if you need anything ok?" I tilt my head and ask, "Brad's picking you up?" He nods and says, "Yeah I texted him earlier he's also coming to the wedding." I nod and say, "Ok have fun." He nods and walks out of the house locking the door behind him. I go up to my room and jump on my bed. "oh how I missed you." I mutter under my breath. I take my shoes off and get underneath the covers. I close my eyes and fall asleep.           

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