Valentine's day

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I get a package thrown at me. I wake up and glare at Oliver. "What the fuck, Oliver!!!" I scream. "Aww happy valentine's day, Vic. Love you too.", he replies. I glare at him. He smirks and walks away.  "Asshat.," I mutter under my breath as I look at the heart-shaped box. I roll my eyes as I see the nametag. It reads: To: Foust From: Brittney. "Wow she's still trying to make her moves, but then again she doesn't know that we're engaged.," I mutter under my breath. I open the box and start eating the chocolate. Soon I feel Foust's head on my shoulder. I sigh and say, "Take a guess." "Is it Brittney?" He asks. I smile and say, "You are correct." I soon hear Rebecca's voice, "happy valentine's day, guys." She gets up, puts on her glasses, and looks at me. I sigh and say, "I hope you have an excuse as to why you missed so much school." She shrugs and replies, "I can just say I was sick." I nod and say, "You could." She smiles as she says, "Oh Provost care to do something for me?" Provost appears and looks at Rebecca. "What?" He asks irritably.  Rebecca smiles and replies, "I'll give you two options: one, you can go in the school's computer and erase all of my absents while giving me the info from my classes or two, make a believable excuse as to why I was absent all those days." Provost rolls his eyes and says, "I'll go with option one let's go." She smiles and says, "Thank you,provy." She grabs some clothes and walks in the bathroom to take a quick shower.  After that, I hear her say, "Bye guys happy valentines day." I smile and reply, "Bye Rebecca."  She walks away.  "So what do you want to do now?" I ask as I continue to eat. Foust pets my head and replies, "I don't really care it's up to you however you're going to get sick if you don't stop eating." I turn around and stuff a piece of chocolate in his mouth. "There now I won't get sick.," I say. He rolls his eyes as he eats the chocolate. He replies, "One chocolate out of now sixteen pieces, that's not going to help you, Vic." I say, "Oh well let me get sick it's chocolate for crying out loud, I'm not going to die from it."  He sighs as he smiles at me. I look at him weirdly. I say, "I love you too." He replies, "Why don't we watch titanic?" "Uhhhhh I don't know, I'm not a huge titanic fan, it's so cliche.," I say as I grab my laptop from underneath the bed. "Well, what do you want to watch?" He asks. I get my laptop booted up. I shrug and say, "Anything besides titanic." He smiles and replies, "Then I'll let you choose the movie." I nod and open Netflix. We start watching romance films. I then get up from the bed and go to the bathroom where I vomit. I hear foust by the door saying, "I told you not to eat all of those chocolates, Vic." I glare at him and say, "Shut up,foust." Once I'm done vomiting up chocolate, I flush the toilet and walk back to the room where we continue watching movies and I eat the rest of the chocolate. Foust looks at me, I glare back at him and say, "Shut up." "Ok, ok." He replies putting his hands up in defense. I nod and say, "Thank you." Once all of the chocolates are gone I throw the box away. For the rest of the day, We watch romantic films, until its time for dinner, we eat and then I go take a shower and get in bed. Foust soon follows along with Rebecca. "Night guys.," I say as I grab Artemis and snuggle with him. "Good night, Vic." I hear foust say as I fall asleep.                 

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