The Vampires Purr

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"Oh, Victoria. Time to wake up." I hear Provost say. "Noo I want to sleep let me sleep.," I reply. "Aww, you don't want to see your husband?" Provost asks as he plays with my hair. "I'm too tired I'll see him when I wake up.", I grumble. "Oh, so you like me more than him?", Provost asks curiously. "No I don't like you more than him, I'm just too tired and I don't want to deal with anybody right now, Now let me sleep." I aggravatingly reply. "Jeez, you're lazy.", He replies. I glare at him. "Well thank you for your comment that I didn't ask for, Mr.horny god.", I spit out. "You're welcome.", He replies smiling. I look around and see that Provost and I are on the couch with him underneath me. I get up off of Provost and rub my tired eyes. "Aww, you should've just stayed so we could cuddle more.", Provost whines. I glare at him. " No thank you I'm not married to you.", I spit out. "We could've gotten married y' know.", He replies smirking. "No thank you.", I yawn and stretch, "I'm perfectly happy with my husband." "But Vic, I'm way more understanding than Foust is." , Provost replies. I bark back, "In terms of love, yes but I would rather my husband not be an asshole and reincarnate me a lot." "Well, then I can go after Foust if that's how you feel.", Provost brags. "Sure go ahead I don't think Foust likes you too much though.", I sarcastically reply while rolling my eyes. Provost gets excited and teleports away. I soon hear a thump coming from my room. "Well, that didn't last long.", I sigh to myself as I go upstairs and open the door to my room. I see Rebecca on Provost's back whose on the floor. "Wow look how far that got you, Provost.", I smirk. "On the contrary, if Rebecca wasn't here I would be fine.", Provost replies. He teleports out of Rebecca's hold and tries to snuggle Foust who in turn gets up from the bed and walks behind me. "What the hell is up with Provost? Why is he acting out his love again?", Foust asks. We both look at Provost whose trying to snuggle with Snowflake as Snowflake is pushing him away. "I wouldn't accept his love that's why.", I reply. "Who would accept his love? He's a jerk.", Foust states. "I have no idea.", I reply. I soon hear Provost moaning. "What the fuck?", I mutter as Snowflake is choking Provost. Everyone stares at Provost with disgust. "That's it I'm leaving.", Snowflake says as he gets off of Provost and teleports behind me. He hugs me and sighs, "I shall see you soon, Vic.", He kisses me on the top of my head and teleports away. "Thank you, Provost.", Foust says as he smiles. "You know there's another way you can thank me.", Provost replies as he plays with Foust's hair. "Welp I'm going to go do some school work have fun you two.", I announce as I grab my laptop from underneath the bed and walk out. I go downstairs, go to the kitchen and see Foust sitting in a chair next mine. "Ahh time travel, helps a lot doesn't it?", I ask. "Yeah, it does.", Foust answers. I set my laptop down and get it booted up, For the rest of the day I do schoolwork, Hours pass by and I soon hear loud purring. "Artemis?", I mutter as I try to locate the source, "No that sound is way too loud to be Artemis." I look at Foust and move near him, the purring gets louder. "Aww, I wonder what he's dreaming about?",I mutter. "Wait a minute does that mean Provost can purr?" I whisper, "Oh Provost.", I say out loud. Provost appears and says, "Yes?" "Can you purr?", I ask tilting my head to the side. "Yeah why?", he replies. I smile at him. "Vic..." He trails off. "I wanna hear you purr.", I state. "Hmmm ok then.", Provost replies. "Ok so how do I get you to purr?", I ask. "I have no idea.", Provost replies. "Oh come on you never purred before?" I ask. "Not that I can remember, I know I can purr tho." , Provost explains. I get up and walk into the living room, I sit down on the couch and look at Provost who sits down next to me. We sit in silence. I soon smile. "Oh Provy." , I say to get his attention. He turns his head and asks, "What?" I kiss him and soon hear him purring. "Wow didn't know you had the guts to kiss someone else.", Provost replies as we pull apart. "Meh I kinda like you so.....", I trail off. "Oh well that's good.", Provost replies as he smiles. "Fluff." I randomly blurt out and play with his hair. His purring soon subsides. "Aww no don't let the purring go away, it's cute. ", I whine. " Fine then kiss me again and I'll purr. ", Provost smirks. " Yeah never mind I'm fine with it being a one time thing. ", I reply. He sighs and kisses me. His purring starts back up. I push him away and get up. "Is there another way to get you to purr?", I ask. "I don't know like I said I never purred before so...", He tails off. "So you can't forcefully purr?", I ask. "Nope, I think if we meaning Foust and I are by someone that we like or maybe feel satisfaction or something then we'll purr.", Provost replies. "Oh so then y'all are basically cats then." I state. "I guess you could compare us to cats.", Provost replies. "Vic? Where are you?" I hear Foust ask. I walk to the kitchen and sit in my chair. "Why were you in the living room?", Foust asks. "I wanted to see if Provost could purr and it turns out he can.",I reply. "oh well shall we go to the bedroom and go to sleep?", Foust asks. "Sure.", I reply while saving my stuff and shutting down my laptop. As we walk upstairs Foust asks, "So how did you get Provost to purr?" "I kissed him.", I reply. He stares at me. "What? I'm sure you kissed Provost before.", I joke. "Well yeah but..." Foust trails off. "Ok then let's not talk about this anymore. I'm tired.", I reply. Foust nods and replies, "Well thank you for being honest." "You're welcome.", I sacrastically say.  We go to my room and I jump on my bed. "You done with school work,Vic?", Rebecca asks not looking up from her phone. "Well not really but I want to cuddle with Foust." I reply. "Ah ok I'll give you two some privacy then.", She replies getting up and walking towards the door. "Ok then whatever you want.", I say. "I still can't believe you let Provost kiss you.", Foust replies with annoyance in his voice. Rebecca stops and looks at me. "Look I pushed him off if it makes you happy.", I state. "Uhhh excuse me you let that asshole kiss you?", Rebecca asks shocked. "I hope you know that Provost has also kissed Foust too.", I causally add. Rebecca glares at Foust. I roll my eyes. "What the hell? I thought you hated him? Why would you kiss him?" Rebecca asks. "I do hate him, Our relationship's complicated.", Foust sighs. "Complicated? How is it complicated? Ya'll are enemies.", Rebecca asks. "It's more of a one sided love hate relationship. Provost loves I hate." , Foust states. "So how did y'all even become enemies in the first place?", I ask. "Well considering Provost takes universes and uses them to get immortality I and some other people decided to stop him.", Foust replies. "So are these other people vampires as well?", I ask. "Yes they are.", Foust answers. "Uuu cool.", Rebecca replies. "So are they still on the ship, or rather is the ship still being occupied?", I ask curiously. "Ship? What kind of ship? Details now VIC!!", Rebecca shouts. I glare at her. "Can you not shout please I'm not deaf.", I agrrevatily reply, "Anyway tell us about your space opera life, Foust." "I'd rather not; How about you talk to my past self?", Foust suggests while smiling. "I can't do that,Provost won't allow it the only thing I know is your clothing changed and you were working on wepons. I don't know exactly what because Provost telported me out before your past self has a chance to explain so..." ,I trail off. "Well that's kinda all you need to know, that was basically my life until Provost killed me." ,Foust replies. "Oh; no wonder you have dark circles and are always tired then ." ,I state. "Excuse me but who always complians about being tired?" ,Foust asks. "Shut up I'm a hundred and something years old I have a reason.", I state. "Mentally not physically tho.", Foust states. I glare at him. "You know what I'm going to bed and you Mr. Barker aren't sleeping with me.", I state as I get underneath the covers. "Very well Mrs.Barker, I shall leave if you insist.", Foust replies. He gets up and walks towards the door "I love you." ,I call out as I snuggle in the covers. "I love you too." ,Foust replies as he leaves. Rebecca looks between me and the door. "What kind of argument was that?" ,She asks. "I don't know apprently that's how we argue.", I tiredly say, "I'm sleeping goodnight." I fall asleep before I have a chance to hear her.

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