Day 2 of Being Incarcerated

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I stare at my computer screen "", I mumble. The alarm rings and the lights get turned on. I hear Foust groan. "Morning.", I tiredly yawn. "Vicc you stayed up?", He asks as he looks at me.  "Yeah.", I answer.  He sighs. "You're just going to have to deal with it.", I reply. "Really, What's the point? You're going to basically just relive it all over again until..", He trails off. I nod and reply, "You're right, sadly high school doesn't care so sorry, love."  Foust huffs and states, "Let's get going." He gets up and walks out of the room. I tilt my head confused. "He's going to get the clothes.", Provost answers. "Oh.", I mumble. Foust comes back dressed with my clothes over his arms and holding two coffee cups. He hands me one of the cups. I take it, sniff it, and gag. "You are definitely a child.", He replies smiling as he puts my clothes on the bed. "You act way more childish than I do.", I state. "mm I guess.", he replies. He smiles. I tilt my head to the side confused. "Look down.", He mumbles. I look in my lap and see Provost drinking the coffee. "Did you give him water? That's probably why.", I reply looking at Foust. "They should provide with proper dishes since they now know that fluffy is with us yet they didn't.", Foust replies. I move Provost away and get up. "Vic, don't push me.", Provost hisses as he grabs my pants. "I'm sorry fluffy but you aren't getting coffee.", I reply as I move his arm away. I put the coffee on the desk and prey Provost from my leg. He jumps on the desk and continues drinking. I grab my clothes and go to the bathroom. After I get dressed we go to the mess hall. I sit down, put my head in my arms, and sleep.  "Where's Pr-Fluffy?", I hear Rebecca ask. I pick my head up and reply, "In Foust's room drinking coffee." She nods and says, "Oh you also know that school's over right?" I look at her strangely.  She nods and continues, "Tho we will probably stay in high school." "The wonders of reincarnation.", I sarcastically say. She smiles. "So summer break starts for us? or are we going to do summer school?", I ask. She shrugs and replies, "No clue." I nod and reply, "I'll look into it." "Morning.", Castiel replies as he sits next to us. "Morning.", Rebecca cheerfully replies. I grunt tiredly.  Foust comes back and I lift my head up so he can put my food down. Rebecca gets up to go get her food. "So anything that you found?", I ask. "No, however, we're keeping you here for one more day and then the day after you can leave.", he replies. I nod. "There's no way that Provost is going to show himself.", The thought passes my mind as I eat. "Aww I like it here tho.", Rebecca sighs sadly. "Sorry Rebecca but you're going to have to come back with us.", I reply. After I finish my food and throw it away I go back to Foust's room and continue to work. Rebecca walks in and asks, "So?"  I go and check. "They didn't send anything so I think we're fine.", I reply. She nods and walks away.  For the rest of the day  I work. Foust soon comes in with a plate of food. I take it from him and start eating.  I sequel, "One more day, and then we're out of here." He nods and smiles.  After I finish, Foust takes my plate and walks out of the room he comes back with the pajamas and walks out. I get dressed and go to sleep. 

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