The First Thanksgiving (1621)

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I hear the birds chirping outside. "Huh weird I thought Provost or Foust would be telling me to wake up by now." The thought passes my mind as I rollover.  I hear a groan from Foust.  "Wait this isn't home.", I mutter as I wake up. I look around and see that we're sleeping on the ground.  "Ow my back.", I groan as I get up. Foust looks at me. I look at my pocket watch and mutter, "Sixteen twenty-one." "The first thanksgiving.", Foust replies.  "Hmm is it because thanksgiving is here is that why we're here?", I ask as I look at him.  "Yes it is.", Foust replies as he smiles at me.  "Oh, that's why, well let's start the day.", I exclaim as I kiss him.  We get up and I see that my clothing has changed. I'm wearing a long green dress with a white collar and black ribbon around the neck with a white apron around my waist, along with a white hair accessory, similar to a bonnet with white lace-like ribbons on each side of my face. "At least this dress isn't heavy like the victorian ones.", I mutter. I glare at Foust as I see that he's still wearing his normal attire. "How come you get to keep your clothes? That's not fair.", I angrily argue. "I don't know, Vic. Please don't be mad.", Foust replies as pets my head. "Fine, I won't.", I sigh. Soon we're teleported outside. Rebecca walks up to us and I see that she's wearing the same thing I am however hers is in blue. "Both of your halos are gone.", Rebecca notes. "I think it's to blend in more.", Foust replies. "Hopefully no one will notice your ears, Foust.", I say worryingly. "I don't think they'll notice, Vic.", Foust assures me while hugging me.  "Do you think Provost is with the Indians?", I ask. "Most likely, he can blend in well with them or he could've changed his appearance because of his fluffy hair or his ears.", He replies. "Do you think we can wander off and try to find him?", I ask as I look at Foust and wrap my arms around his neck. "I think it's best if we just stay here and let Provost come to us.", Foust replies as he hugs me.  "I wonder what the Indians will call him?", Rebecca asks. "Hmmm maybe fluffy hair or halo, or weird eyed, I don't think he would float around them.", I reply as I let go of Foust.  I soon see another girl, she's blonde with blue eyes.  "Oh Victoria.", she runs up and hugs me. I weirdly hug her back. She lets me go and asks, "Have you seen those other people?" I tilt my head to the side. "Father and all of the others call them Indians.", she states. I nod. "They've helped us a lot however mother and father also call them savages.", she replies. "That's weird why would you say hateful things to the people who helped you?", I ask. "Well, they're different and don't believe in God so why should we call them anything else?", she asks. She goes on, "You do know why we came here right?" I nod and reply, "Of course, Emily, because we wanted to practice our religion freely." She nods. Emily then grabs my hand and excitedly exclaims, "We are to be having a feast in a couple of hours. I worry if we will be eating hard biscuits again." I pat her head and reply, "I don't think so." A few hours later, Foust, Rebecca, and I are sitting at a table with some food on it. The food mainly consists of onions, beans, lettuce, spinach, cabbage, carrots, and peas. Along with cornmeal and potatoes, we also have some fruit: blueberries, plums, grapes, gooseberries, raspberries, and cranberries along with fish and shellfish: Mussels, lobster, bass, clams, and oysters. I also spy a pumpkin pie. I see Emily looking at the food in awe.  I look around being bored. Soon a group of Indians walk in carrying a big deer. Provost is among them. I shake Foust's arm and mutter, "Provost is here."  "Well he certainly looks the part.", Foust states. Provost is shirtless and wearing a cloth of some sort and leggings made from deerskin, he's also wearing a feather in his hair. "How the hell did he get that thing to stay in his hair?", I mutter.  "Perhaps it's wolven in?", Rebecca suggests. "Maybe.", I sigh.  Provost soon sits down across from us.  "Ah so you finally show up, Provy.", I state. "Mmm yes the pilgrims were so very loud that the Indians thought they were under attack.", Provost replies, "It was kinda sad and amusing at the same time." "Your halo is gone.", I note. "Yes it's to make sure the Indians don't mistake me for a god, altho I would love the attention I chose to not meddle with this time period.", Provost replies. I glance at Emily. "Oh don't worry about her, she doesn't even know that we're talking, she thinks you're eating right now. I put a picture in her head to make her think that you're ignoring me and eating.", Provost states. I nod. After we're done eating Emily gets up. Foust, Rebecca, and I stay with Provost. "Oh so you want to talk more?", Provost asks surprised. I shrug.  "So how long is this feast?", Rebecca asks. "Three days. The Indians weren't even supposed to come.", Provost answers.  "Oh? ", Foust replies bored. Provost nods and continues, "They only invited Massasoit the Wampanoag leader, however, he decided to invite these other Indians."  "That's sad.", I reply. "It is however the pilgrims don't think so.", Provost says.  "So what will happened after?", I ask. "A massacre that's all you need to know.", Provost answers. I frown. "I don't think I want to be here anymore.", I mutter. "Well, most of history is like this, massacres, murdering, bloodshed. It's all history almost all of history is killing. It's sad but the truth.", Provost replies. I lean my head on Foust's shoulder. Provost gets up and Rebecca asks, "Where are you going?" Provost replies, "I'm going back to Vic's house I have a feeling ya'll won't be here for much longer, see you then." He leaves. I get up and start walking back to the house. Once there I sit down and lean against the wall. I sigh and then go to bed. 

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