Sad Day for Victoria

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I hear a cat purring  next to my head as I sleep. "wait I don't have a cat." The thought passes my mind as I open my eyes and see black fur.  I cautiously pet the cat. The cat wakes up and stretches. It looks at me and says, "morning I'm hungry." I look at it weird then my memory comes back to me. I say, "ok Artemis I'll go feed you."  I pass my mirror and stop.  I look in the mirror my reflection stares back at me however I now have a gold halo floating on top of my head.  I sigh and say, "you know what I don't even care anymore." My phone dings. I deal with Artemis first. I walk out and make sure no ones out then I sneakily go to the kitchen. I find a can of tuna and open it.  After that, I go back upstairs to my room.  I set the can of tuna down and Artemis jumps down from the bed. I feel a tickling sensation inside me. I sigh and say, "yes?" I stand up and look at foust. He looks back at me bewildered and goes to say something when I interrupt him, I say, "take a huge guess and try to figure out who gave this to me." He asks, "provost?" I nod and say, "yep."  I go back to my bed and grab my phone. I see Rebecca has texted me. I open the message and it reads, "can we hang out?"   I see another message and I see it's my other friend named Roxy it reads, "Where have you been? You haven't been showing up to band practice for days now are you alright?" "shit I totally forgot about that.," I say. Foust says, "victoria calm down." I glare at him and say, "I'm perfectly calm." He says, "that's not what your halo is saying." I sigh and say, "Just forget it, Now I have to go cause apparently I haven't been showing up to band practice for days." He walks out with me and says, "I'll accompany you along with Artemis." I say, "what?" I see that Artemis is on my shoulder. Artemis says, "there's no way you a leaving me alone in the house."  I shake my head and say, "fine whatever."  I text Roxy "I'm coming over with some friends be there soon."  We start walking and I say out loud, "Where does she live?" Provost sighs and says, "follow me."  I follow provost and we are soon at a two-story house. I walk in the garage and see a girl with dyed bright red hair. She says, "finally Vic I was worried about you also what's that on your head and who is that you're boyfriend?" I sigh and say, "no he's not my boyfriend, we're friends that's all." She nods and says, "you didn't tell me whats the thing floating on your head." She pokes at my halo. I swat her hand away and say, "you can't tell by looking at it? its a halo."  she nods and says, "cool anyway-" I interrupt her and say, "look Roxy I'm going to quit band a lot of stuff has happened and I just can't deal with it so I think I should just leave."  She nods and says, "ok your guitar is over there." She points at the far end of the corner. Roxy says, "we're going to miss you but I completely understand." I see sadness in her eyes.  I sigh and say, "ok well bye." I go and take my guitar off of its stand and see a case beside it. I put in its case and pick it up by the handle. I wave goodbye to Roxy and walk out of her garage.  I sigh. Foust says, "you want to talk about it?" I grit my teeth annoyed and say, "foust leave me alone, once we get home I'm going in my room and crying for a few hours while that is happening you are not allowed in my room got it."  He nods and says, "ok Vic, ok."  Once we reach home I do exactly as I say. The only difference is I lock my bedroom door. After crying for a few minutes I look at my phone. Provost appears and asks, "Are you ok, Vic?" I sniff and say, "do I look ok, provost?"  I sigh and say, "please let this be a nightmare, maybe I'm still in a coma?"  Provost shakes his head and says, "you're not; trust me if you were still in a coma I wouldn't be here." I look at him weird and say, "what's that supposed to mean?"  He says, "this is real, since your already sad I'm not going to do anything to you." I nod and say, "oh well now you're being nice."  Provost says, "why don't you take a nap I'm sure you'll feel fine after; You're bound to be tired after what happened." I nod and say, "fine I'll see you later." I go to sleep. 

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