Back in 1838

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I hear a knock on my door. "Miss victoria it's time to wake up." I hear a female voice say. "Nooo let me sleep." I mumble, "Wait miss?" I wake up and look around the expense room. "I'm back? Why?" I whisper to myself, "Ugh this isn't good." I see a fluffy black and white cat wake up and stretch. He looks at me with his mismatched eyes. "Those eyes almost look like Provost's - wait a minute, Provost? You turned yourself into a cat?" I ask surprised. He nods and replies, "I'm surprised you figured it out quickly Miss.Holmes." "So when you talk does everyone else hear meowing?", I ask intrigued. Provost nods and replies, "Yes they do." "Well, you'll be one talkative cat then.," I mutter. "Eh." He replies as he shrugs. "Hopefully you won't get on mum's nerves.," I say as I start petting him. The girl knocks on my door again. "Come in!" I shout. She comes in and cheerfully says, "Good morning Miss Victoria, I hope you slept well." I nod and reply, "Morning Anna." She smiles and walks to the bed. "Good morning Provost." She says as she pets his head. Provost purrs. I roll my eyes and get up. Anna opens my closet and looks at my dresses. "Now what type of dress should you wear today hmm.," Anna mumbles to herself. She pulls out a floor-length black and white dress. "What about this one? What do you think Provost?" She asks. Provost replies, "Why should I care about what dress Victoria wears?" She smiles and says, "Great Miss Victoria shall wear this one." I laugh a little. She tilts her head to the side and asks, "What's so funny Miss Victoria?" "Oh, nothing Anna nothing.," I reply while still laughing. She nods and helps me get dressed in my dress. The dress is a classic black and white ruffled that features cuff sleeves and bow detail on the neckline along with ruffles accented with the layered skirt and lace-up back. I put on black lace fingerless gloves to top it off. After that Anna helps me put on my shoes and she brushes my hair for me. "This feels weird.," I mutter. "Aww, are you not used to your old life now, Vic?" Provost replies. "Not really, I'm now so used to doing everything myself so..." I trial off. "Done Miss Victoria there's a suitor whos name is Mr.James Smith waiting for you by the way.," Anna replies as she puts the brush down. "There's one thing that I don't miss.", I sarcastically say as I roll my eyes. "What do you mean?" She replies as she tilts her head. "Nothing it's nothing, Anna.", I quickly say as I realize my mistake. She nods and leaves the room. I grab Provost who starts trying to get out of my arms. "What the hell Vic? Let me go." He replies. "Shut it you're coming with me whether you like it or not, Provost." I angrily say as I walk downstairs. "Hmph fine." He replies aggravatingly. I walk into the drawing-room where a man of about twenty-six is talking to one of my sisters. He has brown curly hair with a long bang that is whisked to the right side of his face and brown eyes. "Oh there's Victoria well I'll let you two speak privately." She says as she leaves. I roll my now brown eyes. "Shall we go to the parlor?" I ask already walking. He nods and follows me to the room. I set provost down on the ground and close the door behind us silently cursing my mother. I turn around and walk to my chair (more like a stool) and sit down. Provost jumps on my lap and starts purring. "I'll get right to the point Miss Victoria I want you to marry me." Mr. Smith replies. I sigh and reply, "I'm sorry but I'm not interested. I don't want my freedom to be taken away just like that." I continue, "I'm sorry that you wasted your time, you could marry one of my sisters though." I put Provost on the floor and walk out of the room. "Time to go in my room before mum finds out.," I mutter. Provost and I go upstairs, I close my bedroom door and lock it. I grab my book that's sitting on my nightstand, get in bed, and read. I soon hear banging on my door. I sigh and set my book down. "I knew it wouldn't take long." I mutter as I get up and open the door to my fuming mother. I roll my eyes. "Victoria!!! Do you realize how many suitors you pushed away?" She says exasperatedly. "I lost count by the fifth one you sent in." I reply. "Twenty Vic this is the twentieth man you have sent away, why won't you get married?" She asks. I roll my eyes "Why can't you just leave me alone? You do realize that you have other daughters who are already married right?" I ask. "I'm trying to get all of my daughters married off nicely.", She replies. "Oh right can't ruin your rich reputation I totally forgot about that." I sarcastically say.  I walk pass her and out the door. Provost follows me. "You know there's going to be a ball tonight." Provost states as he jumps on my shoulder. "Oh is Foust going to be there? hmmm?" I ask as I start descending the stairs. "Most likely.", He replies.  I stop and grab provost. "Hey vic-" He gets cut off as I sqeeze him in a hug. " Vic let me go!" He shouts. I let him go and start jumping up and down. "I'll finally get out of here.", I squeal in delight.  "hmm unless..." Provost trails off. I glare at him. "I swear you do something I will kill you, Provost." I reply in a threatening voice. He laughs. "I don't fear death Vic, I'm immortal.",He says. "Well, you sure are terrified of stardust so..." I trail off. "Fine I won't do anything.", He grumbles. I smile. Once I reach the last step I go to the dining room where I see my grandmother. I sigh and walk up to her. "Oh Victoria what happened to that man that was with you at Christmas? Why isn't he with you?", She exclaims as she looks at me. "Uhhh he's not here.", I reply. "Oh such a shame he was such a fine gentleman and I could tell he cared a lot about you. Did you two break up?",She asks. "Uhh no we didn't.", I reply. "Ohh so is he going to propose soon?", She excitedly asks. "I don't know yet, granny.",I reply. "Well  you two better sort it out I fear that all of us don't have long to live.", She replies with a sorrowful tone. I stare at her then slowly nod. "Also have you heard we're having a ball tonight." she cheefully says, "Hopefully he will come tonight, I have a feeling he will."  I nod. "Hopefully he will.", I reply., "Well, I shall go take my seat at the dining room for breakfast." She nods and walks away glancing uneasly at Provost. Provost nods at her as she passes. I glare at him. He smiles at me. "Provost what the hell?", I whisper angrily. "Let's go.", Provost replies ignoring my comment. I sigh and take my seat. Servents soon come and serve us our breakfast. As we eat I notice that everyone is talking about the ball. I roll my eyes and quickly finish my meal. "If you excuse me I wish to go catch up on a book.", I say as I look at mother. She nods and I walk back upstairs, go to my room, get my book and wait for the morning to be over.

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