Being sick

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"Jesus why is it freezing in here?" I say as I shiver underneath my covers. I turn to my side and get my phone on the other side of foust. I silently cheer as I grab my phone and unplug it from the charger without disturbing him.  I see that it's only a few days away from Christmas. "god I don't want to see my relatives anytime soon." I mutter as I shiver again. "why the hell is it freezing in here?" I mutter to myself. I turn around and see Foust's coat on the chair near my desk. "ugh but that's so far away." I mutter to myself.  Foust wakes up. "morning." I hear him say.  I turn around, look at him and reply, "morning I'm cold, go get your coat." He touches my forehead and mutters something that I'm too tired to care what it is. He gets up, grabs the coat and hands it to me. "yay!" I mutter as I sit up and put the coat on.  It's big on me but I don't care. I fall back on the bed squealing.   Rebecca wakes up to my squealing, She puts on her glasses,  looks at me and says, "awww. " I look at her and say, "You are not taking pictures I swear. By the way shouldn't you be going to school?" She looks at her phone and screams, "SHIT SEE Y'ALL GUYS LATER!!!" she runs out the room grabbing some clothes. I roll my eyes and get an email. "goddamnit!" I say as I read the message. "I totally forgot about midterms.," I mutter. I start getting my textbooks out.  Foust looks at me as I get my laptop booted up. "you need to sleep." I hear him say. I roll my eyes and reply, "I need to get these exams done so screw sleep."  He sighs and says, "I can do your exams for you if you want." I think about it some and say, "hmmm ok then go ahead." I put my password in and navigate to where the exams are. I say, "there you can choose which one you want to do." I hand him my laptop and get in a comfortable position. I soon hear my mom walk in the room and say, "aww my poor little child." I roll my eyes and say, "please get out of my room." She replies, "I'll go get Oliver to make you some soup ." She looks at foust and asks, "what are you doing?" I say, "He's going to do my exams for me. I forgot that midterms have come up and since I'm sick I can't do them." She nods and says, "ok, however-" I interrupt her and say, "just get out of my room please." She nods and says, "ok, I hope you feel better, victoria." She leaves closing the door behind her. I sigh and mutter, "finally."  I close my eyes and sleep until a few minutes later when I hear a knock on the door. "ugh provy, go open the door." I mutter. I hear the door being open. "I wish someone would do that for me." I hear Oliver say as he walks into the room. He sets the tray down and says, "here's some soup for you. I hope you feel better."  I reply, "I don't want it, at least not now go take it back and let me sleep." He says, "sheesh Vic, ok I'll bring it back."  He picks the tray back up and leaves. I sniff and see that I have a stuffed up nose.  "goddamnit this is just getting better and better." I sarcastically mutter. I ask, "provy, can you go and get me some tissues please?" Provost disappears and comes back with some tissues. He says, "here's your goddam tissues." He throws them on the bed. He crosses his arms and huffs, "I don't paid enough for this." I say, "you don't get paid at all, provost." He points his finger at me and says, "exactly."  I roll my eyes and sarcastically say, "thanks." I blow my nose and throw it in a floating trash can. The trash can disappears and I hear a rattle on the side of my bed indicating that the trash can is now on the side of the bed.  I fall asleep to the sound of typing.     

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