family meets snowflake

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I look outside of my bedroom window where the rain is falling down. "Hmm, what time is it? " I mutter to myself. Grabbing my phone a flash of lightning lights up the sky and I see a silhouette of a person on my windowsill. I roll my eyes as I crawl to the window, waking up Foust on accident. "Why does he always has to come?" I hear Foust ask as we both stare at Snowflake. I sit in Foust's lap and shrug. "Probably because he wants to spend time with me. ", I reply. He rolls his eyes and says, " Yet when we go on adventures we have to avoid him, funny. " I shrug again. "Shall we let him in, since he's getting wet? " I ask. "Nope let him stay outside, hopefully, he gets sick and doesn't come around.", Foust replies. I sigh and mutter, " I don't know if I can do that, considering I'm a nice person. " Snowflake watches us. "I wish he would leave us alone." I hear Foust say as he flips off Snowflake. I smile and wait for Snowflake's reaction. Snowflake glares at Foust. "Aww so cute how y'all are bonding.," I say in amusement. "Yeah, it's adorable. ", Foust replies sarcastically. Snowflake leaves. "Finally, good riddance.," Foust mutters. "You really hate your future self that much? Funny." I whisper. I sigh and get up, unleashing my wings as I do. "Where are you going?" Foust asks. "Getting snowflake a towel, since I'm also married to him might as well be a good wife.", I reply as I fly out of my bedroom and into the bathroom. When I come out with a towel in my arms, Foust is by the door. "Might as well accompany you." He smiles as he speaks. I roll my eyes and fly downstairs to the living room where snowflake is waiting by the back door. I unlock the door and give snowflake the towel. "Aww thank you, Vic.," Snowflake says as he takes the towel from me. I hear someone coming down the stairs. The light gets turned on. "Ugh, why is he here?" Rebecca says in disgust as she walks towards us. "Am I the only one who doesn't dislike snowflake?" I ask. Both Foust and Rebecca nod and say, "Yep." I roll my eyes. I fly back upstairs and find Oliver's pajama pants. I fly back down and hand snowflake the pants. "Go take a shower and leave your clothes outside by the door.," I say. "Yes ma'am.", snowflake replies as he takes the pants and walks upstairs. Rebecca says, "Honestly Vic how can you like snowflake?" I shrug and reply, "I have to like him, he's my husband." She says, "No you don't, you don't have to like future foust, you can be in love with present foust and once he becomes he's future self you can divorce him." "uhhh no I'm staying with him for as long as I can even if it means that I have to love a scythe welding vampire psycho.", I reply. "Aww, Vic that's so kind of you.", Foust smiles as he speaks, "My future self will hopefully take good care of you." "Yeah, hopefully, he doesn't kill Rebecca agian.," I say. Rebecca replies, "if he does I hope provost will reincarnate me." "pfft ha, that's a good joke, Rebecca." I hear provost's voice as he appears beside me. Rebecca looks at provost and replies, "what? you wouldn't reincarnate me?" He shakes his head and says, "uhh hell no." "What did she ever do to you?" I ask. He shrugs and replies, "nothing, I just don't like her. I'm surprised she's lived this long without snowflake killing her." I roll my eyes. I soon hear Oliver scream. I run upstairs and see Oliver staring at snowflake bewildered. Snowflake just stares at him. I sigh. "who's this?" Oliver asks as he points to snowflake. "Um this is Foust's future self.," I reply. He tilts his head and says, "what?" I sigh and reply, "time travel stuff." "oh ok.," Oliver says staring at snowflake weirdly. I smile and reply, "if you love Foust then you should love Foust's future self." Oliver says, "yeah nevermind he's all yours." I say, "so that means you have to stay away from foust because he will eventually turn into him." I point to snowflake. "ok well I'll just go after brad from now on." he replies. My smile widens. "ok then." I say. Oliver leaves. I squeal in excitement. "Thank you, snowflake." I say cheerfully as I hug him. "Aww, you're welcome, Vic.", Snowflake replies as he hugs back. He lets go and goes into the bathroom to go take a shower. I walk in my room. "Now all I need is for Brittney to leave Foust alone and everything will be perfect." I mutter as I lay on my bed.I soon hear the bathroom door being open. Suddenly the power goes out. "Great just what we need." I mutter aggravated. Provost hands me my phone and I turn on the flashlight. I walk towards the stairs, "Wait a minute." I mutter to myself and turn off the flashlight, "Since when can I see in the dark?" I hear Provost reply, "Since just now, I enhanced your eyesight so now you can see in the dark." "Cool thank you." I reply as I walk downstairs. "Now all we need is for mom to scream in surprise and that'll be everyone." I mumble underneath my breath. I sit on the chair next to the couch. Snowflake walks towards the couch and lays down. "Aww, are you going to sleep?" I ask as I look at him. He asks, "Yes, I am also don't you need a flashlight?" I shake my head and reply, "Not anymore, I can see in the dark now." He nods and says, "Oh nice, so wanna cuddle?" Before I have a chance to say anything foust pulls me into his arms and says, "No, I don't care if you're my future self Vic is staying with me." "Aww, Foust.", I sigh as I hug him. Snowflake glares at foust. I soon see a light appear and the sound of my mom screaming. I sigh and take my phone out. I turn the flashlight on and shine it on my mother who stares at snowflake bewildered. "who's that?" she asks as she shines her light on him. "That's Foust's future self. We call him snowflake.", Rebecca replies. She stares at Rebecca and says, "What?" "Don't worry mom he's not going to hurt you." I say as I look at her. She stares at snowflake uncomfortably. "So since we're in the middle of a storm at night might as well go back to bed.", I say yawning. "Let's." Foust replies smiling at me. He glares at snowflake and says, "You are to not join, snowflake." I walk upstairs with Rebecca, foust, and Oliver following me. Oliver goes to his room while the three of us go into mine. I get in my spot by the window while foust locks the door, I smile at him and say, "you must really hate snowflake." he nods and gets in bed. "I do hate him. "He replies as he gets comfortable. I get in his arms and snuggle. "well I shall bid you good night since it's 2 o'clock in the morning so good night, my dear husband." I say as I drift off to sleep. "Good night my dear wife. I love you." Foust replies. I mutter in my sleep, "Love you too."

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