First kiss

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I wake up and see I'm in my bedroom.  "who brought me here?"  I whisper. "ah so you're awake." I hear Foust say as he walks into the room. I sit up, smile, and say, "yep I'm awake."  He sits down on the bed next to me and asks, "So what happened in your dreams?"  I shrug and say, "mostly future you is trying to kill me, You know Freddy Kruger? It's like that." Foust looks at me weird and asks, "Freddy Kruger? Whos that?" I say, "He's from Nightmare on Elm Street. A horror movie." He continues looking at me weirdly. I shake my head and say, "forget it I'm not explaining it to you." Provost appears and says, "ah so you're awake." I nod. Foust says, "I'm going to tell your mom that you're awake." I say, "ok." He leaves my room shutting the door behind him.  Provost being the asshole that he is, proudly says, "I put you in a coma." "what the fuck is wrong with you, provost?" I say as I get out of the bed ready to choke him to death.  He moves out the way.  He says, "calm down ok." "yeah right like I'm going to calm down what the hell why would you put me in a coma?" I ask. Before he has a chance to speak my mom opens the door and starts hugging me crying as she does. I sigh and say, "calm down mom I'm not dead yet."  That just makes her cry harder. "goddamnit, I shouldn't have mentioned that." I mutter to myself.   Provost says, "I don't really have a reason except I like messing with you."  I roll my eyes and say, "of course you find this fun."  He smirks in reply.  My mom releases me and snuffling says, "let's get something to eat ok." I nod and follow her out of my room. I see her get her keys. I ask, "ugh are we going somewhere?"  She nods and says, "We haven't gone out to eat in a while it would be good to get out of the house don't ya think?" I shrug and say, "sure whatever you say."  We get in the car with both me and foust in the backseat. Mom stops her car and says, "we're here." I see that its a diner of some sort. We go sit down in a booth. Once we order I look around the place and see a girl all alone sitting and reading her book. "Wait a minute is that Rebecca?" I whisper. I get up and say, "I think I see someone familiar I'll come back ok?" They both nod. I walk over to the booth and say, "Rebecca? Is that you?" Rebecca sets the book down and I look at the title. "The Twelve Houses"   by Howard Sasportas. She says, "oh hey victoria how are you?" I say, "I'm fine; may I?" I ask as I moton to the empty seat across from her. She nods and says, "go ahead."  I sit down.  Provost appears laying on top of the booth behind me. He says, "I reincarnated her by the way." I ignore him as I listen to Rebecca telling me about her book.  After that she asks, "so how are you?" I shrug and say, "a lot of stuff happened but I don't feel like getting into detail." Suddenly she leans over the table and kisses me on the lips. She starts squealing in excitement after. I sit  there dumbfounded then say, "It was good seeing you again I'll see you later, Rebecca." I get out of the booth, walk off and see my food has arrived. Provost whispers, "what no thank you." I mutter, "thanks, provost." He nods and says, "you're welcome." After that, We go home and it's another boring day. I decide to go to my room and start reading. Before I know it night has come. "Scew going to sleep I want to keep reading.", I say to myself as I turn on a lamp. Foust appears and says, "do you want to go to ancient Rome tomorrow?" I look at him and say, "sure." He nods and gets in bed next to me. "night victoria." I set the book down and turn off the light as I say, "night foust." I go to bed.    

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