Halloween Plans

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"What the hell, Oliver?", I hear Foust's voice ask in shock. I groggily look up and see Snowflake push Oliver away. I roll my eyes and sit up. I hear a groan from Foust. "Don't leave, we can cuddle more, Vic.", Foust replies. "You've been in that position all night, don't your joints hurt?", I ask. "It doesn't bother me, I'll be fine.", Foust assures. "Nah I'm getting up.", I reply.  I start to crawl out of bed. "So are you going to stay here, snowflake?", I ask as I get out of bed and stretch. "Maybe, if you allow me to.", Snowflake replies. "No we don't allow you to, you can leave, we already have enough annoyance with Provost.", Foust angrily assures.  "Hey that's not nice I'm a joy to be around, Foust.", Provost replies as he appears. "Yeah you're really wonderful to be around, Provost.", Rebecca sarcastically says as she gets up and puts on her glasses. Provost glares at Rebecca. "Ya'know I could kill you right?", Provost states. "No one is killing anyone, I swear you two are like terrible siblings that want to kill each other every chance you get.", I aggravatingly reply.  "She can't kill me even if she tried.", Provost grins evilly, "Besides I'm already ahead of the game." I roll my eyes and reply, "I know that, Provost." Rebecca looks at us confused. "Wouldn't it affect her too, since you reincarnated her?", I ask.  "Nope only you, I decided to be kind and spare her.", Provost replies. "But what if something happened to you?", I ask. "There's a reason why I'm here, Vic.", Provost answers aggravated. "I know why you're here, what I don't know is why you decided to show your self to me and Rebecca. You could've just kept a close eye on Foust without showing yourself." I reply. "Hmm I could; but I wanted a friend, it's lonely when you stalk your enemy all the time hence why I appeared before you." ,Provost explains. "So what are we going to do for Halloween since its getting closer to the date?", I ask as I check the date on Rebecca's phone. "We're going to be having a Halloween party, I asked mom and she said it was fine.", Oliver replies. " Where's it going to be at?", I ask. "Here at home.",Oliver replies. "We can invite people from school, Vic it'll be awesome!!!", Rebecca excitedly shouts as she starts shaking me back and forth. "Ok, Rebecca stop shaking me please.", I reply. "So what's your mom going to do? Is she staying here or...", Foust trails off. "She's going to be at a Halloween party of her own, one of her co-workers is hosting so she's attending that.", Oliver replies. "So when are we going to start decorating?", Rebecca asks excitedly. "Provost can deal with the decorating.", I reply. "Uh, no he's not dealing with the decorating, Vic come on you were super excited about Halloween a few days ago.", Rebecca says. "I know because I thought it was going to be a quiet Halloween where we can watch Halloween movies in the living room, not have a Halloween party.", I reply. "Vic you are such a party pooper, it'll be fun.", Rebecca sequels in excitement. I roll my eyes and start walking towards the kitchen. I grab a bowl and start making myself cereal. "Somethings bothering you, what is it?", I hear Foust ask. "Is that Foust or snowflake asking?", I answer back. "Present me. What's wrong?", Foust replies.  "What would happen if your friends wanted you back?", I ask as I look at Foust. He tilts his head to the side. "I mean you had to leave your friends behind on the ship right? What would you do if they wanted you back?", I ask. "I don't think I would go back. I spent most of my life in that tiny room working on equations, trying to find the answers for some wepons and also immortality on the side. I don't really think I would want to go back to that.", Foust responds, "Besides I would miss you too much." I go to the table, sit down, and start eating. "Why did you ask that?", Foust asks as he sits down next to me. "Mmm just had a feeling, I can't predict the future tho.", I reply.  "Well you know the answer to that so...", Foust trails off. "Question how many people are on that ship?", I ask. "A lot. I have no idea, there's three people that I work closely with." , Foust replies. "Are they all vampires?",  Rebeca asks. "Those three people are vampires however not all of the people on the ship are vampires there's some humans on there as well.", Foust replies.  "Ah ok.", I say nodding.  I finish my cereal and start working on my school work. "I'm pretty sure as Halloween comes closer we're going to start decorating.", I mutter to myself. "I think we will.", Foust replies as he lays his head down on my shoulder.  "What are you going to go as since it's going to be a costume party?", Foust asks. "A costume party?", I ask surprisingly. "Yes, Oliver was talking about it in the room after snowflake left.", Foust replies. "Probably a wolf.", I state not looking away from the computer screen. "Aww that'll be cute to see.", Foust replies. "You can just go as your self since you're a vampire.", I say. "Sure it's easy for me.", Foust replies. "Please tell me you aren't going to get a sterotypical vampire costume.", I aggervatily grumble. "Aww what's wrong with that,Vic?", Foust asks. "It's cliche and I bet it's going to look weird on you.", I answer. "Well that's the point of the costume, Vic for me to look like a cliche vampire.", Foust replies. I stare at him weridly. "Well what am I sussposed to wear then?", Foust asks as he smiles. "Your normal attire , people will just think that your fangs and ears are fake you'll be good to go.", I state. "We'll see then, Vic we'll see.", Foust replies. I roll my eyes. After I'm done I see Provost floating towards me with a plate in his hand. He sets it down and disappears. "I guess I'll go get myself a plate.", Foust says as he gets up and walks towards the kitchen.  After that we walk upstiars and get ready for bed. I go to bed without bothering to tell anybody goodnight.  

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