Camping Pt.1

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I wake up to Oliver shaking me awake. I groggily look at him and say, "what?"  He replies," get you and your friends up, we're going camping."  I look at him confused and say, "camping? why?" He shrugs and says, "because one of my friends has an RV and they want to use it." I say, "ok but why do I have to come with you?" He rolls his eyes and says, "why do you think?" I sigh and say, "mom." He nods and replies, "exactly now go get your boyfriend and friend up."  I say, "wait so she approves of you going on a camping trip as long as I come with?" He nods and says, "yeah now come on." I shake my head and say, "what the hell?"  He walks out of my room. I get up and shake Rebecca awake. I hear foust wake up. Rebecca wakes up and yawns, "what is it?" I say, "we're going somewhere come on." She says, "where to?" I reply, "it's not what you think, we aren't time traveling." She says, "oh well where to?" I reply, "camping, the woods." "I have a bad feeling about this.," I mutter to myself.  Rebecca nods and puts on her glasses. "we'll pack for two since we're the same size." I say as I get out my suitcase. She nods and says, "ok." I look at foust and say, "I don't know what you're going to wear though."  He shrugs. Once everything is packed I bring the suitcase downstairs.  I hear someone say, "Hey Vic, its been too long." I look at him confused and say, "yeah it has been too long um..." Provost mutters, "Brad, his name is Brad." I nod and say, "Brad, sorry about that." Brad nods and says, "its all good. So you still don't date?" I shake my head and say, "Actually I'm dating someone." Oliver points to foust and says, "that's him." Brad nods and says, "wow look at victoria all grown up." I roll my eyes and mutter, "technically I'm older than you." He asks, "um why do you two have halos?" He points at me and foust as he says this. As we're talking Oliver puts up my suitcase in the RV. I reply, "um well I can answer about mine however I can't answer about my boyfriend's." He nods and says, "ok well.." I reply, "oh you want me to actually explain? Ok then...a friend of mine who's not of this world gave it to me." He looks at me confused and says, "uhhh ok then." I shake my head and say, "I'm not going to explain it anymore so let's just drop it ok?" He nods and says, "ok."  Oliver pokes his head out and  says, "let's get going."  We walk in and I sit on the sofa. Foust sits at the table being confused by everything. Rebecca sits by me while Oliver sits in the passenger seat up front next to Brad. We're soon on the road. I sigh as I go through my phone being bored out of my mind.  Oliver says, "if I hear one more person sigh I will choke them." Brad sighs from the driver's seat. Everyone looks at brad, Oliver glares at brad. Brad says, "What? You're not choking me."  He stares at the road and replies, "You're driving, I'm not going to choke the driver."  I say, "well that's not fair."  He says, "you know your right Vic, it's not fair but oh well."  I roll my eyes and get on top of foust. He looks at me confused and asks, "what are you doing?" I say, "getting comfortable, I'm taking a nap goodnight."  I glare at Rebecca and say, "you aren't taking any pictures got it." She nods and says, "ok." I lay on top of him. I hear Oliver say, "aww you two are so cute." I go to sleep.

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