4th of the July

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"I do wonder when Victoria is going to wake up.", Rebecca states out loud. "Ugh did we time travel?", I ask as I wake up. "Good morning Vic.", Foust answers. I huff, roll my eyes and ask, "Date?" "July 4, 1776.", He replies. "Oh lovely when America gained independence from Britain.", I yawn. "We didn't have a huge unit on it like our American counterparts.", Rebecca states. I look at her strangely. "I have a friend from America who does a lot of complaining.", She replies. I nod. I get out of Foust's arms and stretch. "So what happened?", I asked as I look at Foust and see he doesn't have his coat on. " Well it is hot outside. " I think to myself.  "Well, Britain continued to colonize America throughout the 17th century and into the 18th century.  By 1775, an estimated 2.5 million settlers lived in the 13 colonies: New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Delaware, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia." He continues, "Great Britain began passing legislation that gave it more control within the colonies, especially when it came to taxing the colonists. Because of the French and Indian War, Britain was in debt so they started taxing the American colonies to increase revenues.  The Stamp Act in March 1765, the Townshend Acts in June and July of 1767, and the Tea Act of 1773 forced colonists to pay more money to Great Britain. This became a big deal in the American revolution. More conflicts happened such as the Boston Massacre and the Boston tea party made tensions escalate between the British and Americans. Those tensions eventually exploded when in April 1775 when British forces attempted to confiscate weapons from the colonists, and thus the American revolution happened which we'll go to soon." "Ohh fun.", I sarcastically reply.  "You know when we went to the age of enlightenment period? That also takes place.", Foust replies. "Oh, so this is after the enlightenment period?", Rebecca asks. "Yes.", Provost replies appearing behind Rebecca. She jumps and says, "Don't scare me like that." He shrugs and smiles.  "My bad.", He sarcastically replies. Rebecca glares at him.  "Anyway let's do something.", I reply. "Like kill Provost?", Rebecca suggests. "No, we can't kill Provost.", I reply, "Besides he'll make it all sexual like." Remebering how Provost was moaning while Snowflake was trying to kill him.  I shiver at the thought.  "Are you cold?", Foust asks. "No, I'm not I was just thinking about something disgusting.", I reply. "You need to change.", Provost replies. I glare at him as I feel my clothing change. I look down and see I'm wearing a white blouse with a fringe collar and a long black skirt along with an thin cloth around my neck that's tied with a brooch. I sigh, look at Rebecca and she's wearing a white dress with green and yellow rosettes on it with a big red flower on the chest area edged with beautiful lace trim and braid and underneath the sleeve pops out another layer of beautiful wide lace. We look around the small town where a group of people are standing. I hear Provost laugh. "What's so funny?",I ask. "They're giving a mock funeral to their king.",he replies. I nod, remembering that the colonists hated King George. I see a bonfire out in some open field and a bell ringing out. "So now what?", I ask bored out of my mind. "I don't know Vic.", Foust replies hugging me, "I didn't know it would be so boring." I lean against him and sigh. "So you wanna go back home?", Rebecca asks. I shrug. We teleport out and are back home. "Dinners ready!",I hear Oliver yell. We go down and eat after that I do my nightly routine, get changed into my pajamas and go to bed.

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