Getting ready for Christmas

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I get a package thrown at me that startles me awake. I look at the person and see Oliver smiling at me.  I glare at him and say, "what the fuck, Oliver?" He shrugs and goes to his room closing the door behind him. I hear foust waking up. I look at him and ask, "it woke you up?" He nods and says, "yep." I open the package and inside is a note. I hear Rebecca say, "oh so you got one too." I look at her and see she has a package as well. Then I remember that Christmas is only a few days away. "grandma, then that means that this is a dress." I mutter to myself as I look at mine, It's a black ball gown with short lacy sleeves along with two big white puffs on the sleeves. "well let me go try it on." I mutter to myself. I go to my closet and get a hoop skirt out. I walk to the bathroom and close the door behind me locking it. I quickly try it on and see that it fits like a glove. "mom must've told her my measurements." I mutter to myself. I walk back out and go into my room. I hear foust say, "you look beautiful." I nod and find my gloves on a shelve in my closet. They're black lace fingerless gloves that stop to my forearm. "there." I say to myself as I look in the mirror that's attached to the closet door. "I just need a black bow to put in my hair and the outfit is complete," I mutter to myself. Foust asks, "so this is a tradition in your family?" I shrug and say, "I guess, you can go ask mom about it." I grab some clothes from the closet and walk back into the bathroom. I quickly change and grab Foust's coat that's on the sink ledge. I walk back into my room and hand him his coat.  I hang up the dress and go back to bed to where my laptop is. I get a message and I read it. I squeal and hug foust saying, "thank you, thank you, thank you."  He nods and replies, "Your welcome, Vic." Rebecca asks, "why are you squealing?" I reply, "because I passed my exams or rather foust helped me passed my exams." I look at foust and say, "it's a good thing you got some answers wrong or else they probably would've looked into it more."  foust asks, "so you wanna go anywhere?" I shake my head and say, "Nah instead let's go help mom with the Christmas tree. Oliver texted me that mom bought a Christmas tree."  I look at Rebecca and see her squealing in excitement. She says, "I can't wait to spend the holidays with y'all." I nod. We get up and walk downstairs, Foust immediately walks to the couch and sits down.  I ask, "so you're going to sit there?" He shrugs and says, "I don't really like the holidays." I nod and say, "ah ok well you can be excluded from this activity then." He nods. The rest of the day we put ornaments up on the tree.  I smirk as I look at foust. He looks back at me and asks, "what are you thinking?" I smile and say, "nothing."  Provost appears and says, "that doesn't look like nothing, Vic." I say, "You'll see it on Christmas, Provy."  Provost smiles and says, "uuu can't wait, Vic."  After that, the day goes on with Christmas music being played out throughout the day.  I cringe and say, "This is one thing I don't like about the holidays the other being seeing relatives and watching Christmas movies."  Suddenly mom says, "let's go watch some Christmas movies and that includes everyone, got it." She glares at me. I say, "fine, fine." I go sit on the couch next to foust and mom turns on the TV. The rest of the day we watch Christmas movies. 

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