Industrial Revolution/Steampunk Pt.1

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Warning: this chapter mentions rape 

"Ahh the industrial revolution, did you know that this also took place in the year where you're from?"  Foust asks as we land. I say, "uhhh no?"  He nods and says, "well it did." I nod and say, "cool." Provost smirks and says, "how about we go meet some airship pirates hm?"  He goes to grab me when I move out the way. I say, "provost, no I'm not going with you." "why not? It'll be fun." He says as he goes to grab me again. I move out the way again and say, "Provost, stop."  He disappears and I look around trying to find him. Suddenly I feel arms around me. "let's go." I hear him say as I'm teleported out of the street and on to a dock of some sort. I say, "provost what the hell?"  He shrugs and says, "We need to have fun, Vic." I roll my eyes and say, "Didn't we already have enough fun on the last adventure?"  He shakes his head and says, "nope we didn't." He smiles and says, "by the way you have a hairpiece in your hair that I put on." I sigh and say, "ok? And?"  He starts walking away from me and says, "come on." I follow after him. Suddenly a skinny copper-colored teenage girl with tufts of bright red hair walks out and looks at me. She cocks her head to the side and says, "who are you?" She looks like she's about twelve. I look back at her and say nothing. I soon hear a lady's voice say, "Chloe, where are you?" The girl I now know as Chloe runs away.  I follow her and see a white woman with long pink/orange hair and light blue eyes. Two sections of hair come down either side of her face to chest level and spiral slightly towards the ends. She's wearing a black captain's coat with gold highlights, open at the lower and upper front, and the lower rear. The coat has white cuffs with gold highlights, shoulder guards, a plated section hanging around the left shoulder, and white frills along the open sections, the ends of the sleeves and the neck. An oversized belt at the waist holds her sword. She also wears a bicorne with the same color scheme as the coat, with a pirate emblem in the middle of the front, white frills along the top and tuft coming out the middle-left side. She also wears a red checkered skirt and black boots. She stares at me and asks, "who are you?" I say, "I didn't mean to come on your ship, it's complicated to explain so I won't."  she nods and says, "my names Aria, I'm the captain on this ship."  Chloe shouts, "THE NAME OF THE SHIP IS  RED AURORA!!!!!!" I laugh and say, "that's a lovely name for a ship." Aria nods and says, "so what's your name?" I say, "my name is vi-angel." I glare next to me as provost smirks. She looks at me weird and asks, "can you repeat that?" I say, "vi-angel." I sigh and say, "Angel that's my name."  She nods and says, "Angel, that's a nice name."  I nod.  I feel a presence behind me and Aria gets her sword out. I hear a voice say, "there you are,vi-angel." I turn around and see Foust. I say, "angel." He cocks his head to the side and says, "angel? But that's  not your name." I sigh and mutter, "provost." He nods and says, "oh, was he the one who brought you here?"  I nod.  Aria asks, "who's that?" I turn back around and say, "this is a friend of mine."  Aria nods and says, "sorry we don't get a lot of guys here since we're a crew full of women." Provost says, "because she got raped by guys; she was on a ship with guys and they decided to rape her then they threw her out of their ship once they stop near a town."  I whisper, "that's so sad."  I hear Chole excitingly ask, "Is that a halo?"  Foust looks at me, I shrug as Chloe walks up to him. He picks her up and she starts playing with his halo.  I walk up to Foust and say, "well looks like we're spending a night at red aurora." Foust looks at me confused and says, "red aurora?" Chloe says, "the name of the ship." He smiles and says, "ok then we'll spend a night." Chloe squeals in excitement.  she shouts, "FOUST IS SLEEPING WITH ME!!!!!" I chuckle and say, "So what do we have to eat?"  A brown-haired girl with glasses says, "beef stew, my names Vicky by the way." I nod. We walk in a dining room with a long table that looks like it serves about ten people.  I see five more girls walk out and sit around the table. In total eight girls plus me and Foust, we fill the whole table. Vicky serves the food then sits at her place and we all eat. After that, they collect their dishes, wash them out and put them up. Vicky takes our dishes and washes them out. We thank them for the meal. I go to a room that Aria points out as Foust gets pulled by Chloe. I roll my eyes and walk in the medium-sized room. I lay down on the bed too tired to take a bath. I let sleep take over when I get a vision of me crying as iron angel wings are flapping behind me, my back is bleeding from where they emerged.  I wake up breathing heavily and look around the room. "just a dream, it's just a dream." I whisper to myself.   I close my eyes and go back to sleep.  

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