Back to Foust's past Pt.2

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"She's back." I hear an exciting voice that sounds like Foust's. I wake up, sit up and look around the room. I suddenly get hugged. I freeze in place. I see black hair that obscures my vision. "Fluffy.," I mutter underneath my breath. I start playing with his hair. He let's go and I whine, "Nooooo don't leave I want to play with your hair more."  He looks at me strangely. I tilt my head to the side and say, "What? Your hair's fluffy." He replies, "I'm curious about your halo."  He pokes it. "Well sit down.," I say as I motion him to sit beside me. He sits down, I go back to playing with his hair.  He replies, "So about your halo..." he trails off.  I say, "Provost gave it to me." He looks at me and tilts his head to the side. I stare at him weirdly and say, "What?" He replies, "Provost...gave you a halo?" I nod. He then asks, "So what do you have that he wants?"  I reply, "Nothing. He told me that he just does this for fun." He points to my hand and asks, "So you two aren't married?" I shake my head and reply, "Nope." He nods. "Speaking of Provost where the hell is he?", I mutter underneath my breath. I feel someone play with my hair. "Hello, Vic." I hear provost say as he continues to play with my hair. I roll my eyes. Foust asks, "Why did you roll your eyes?" I shake my head and reply, " It's nothing."  Provost asks, "Are you having fun chatting with Foust, also we're going to have to leave soon before anyone else sees you."  I mutter, "Let's leave now." He replies, "As you wish princess." I wave as we teleport out of the room and land in my room. "Why do you keep on teleporting me there? As much I love to see past Foust, I already know what happens to him and I don't want to tell him how he will die, thank you very much.," I say as I look at Provost. He replies, "You can't tell him that, it'll really mess something up if you do."  I nod and say, "Then stop sending me there."  He smirks and replies, "Ha no way, this is too much fun." "You asshole." I spit out as I glare at him. He smiles as he puts his arms on the back of his head and floats around. I sigh and walk to my bed. "Oh, so you're going to bed at this time?" I hear Provost ask. "What time is it?" I reply. He says, "Twelve in the afternoon." I shrug and say, "I'm tired so I guess I am going to bed, goodnight."  I hear Provost snap his fingers and I'm in a t-shirt with soft black pants. I take my shoes off and get in bed. Foust appears in the doorway. He walks over and asks, "Where were you?" I shrug and say, "To your past again." "Provost needs to stop time-traveling you to places, it's getting really annoying.", he replies. I nod and say, "Yeah it is but eh." I go to sleep when I feel Foust get in bed next to me. I look at him and ask, "Oh so you're going to bed too?" He shrugs and replies, "Why not? I'm constantly tired so we can go to sleep together." I roll my eyes and reply, "Love you." I go to sleep before I hear his response.   

My adventures with a vampire time travelerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora