Family Reunion Pt.1

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"Victoria, come on get up." I hear mom say. I wake up and tiredly look at her. "What?" I grumble. "We're going to a family reunion come on get up." She replies as she smiles at me. I lay my head back down and groan. "I already saw my family at the wedding I don't need to see them again.", I say tiredly.  She sighs and replies, "Not everyone." I glare at her and say, "Brittney can go die in a hole." "That's not nice." She replies. I roll my eyes and say, "I'm not nice." She sighs and replies, "Come on get up you three." "You aren't getting me out of this bed.," I say as I pull the covers over my head. I soon feel someone's fingers go through my hair. I glare at foust and say, "Nice try honey, but you aren't getting me out of this bed." He smiles at me and replies, "I wasn't trying to get you out of bed." I look at him confused and say, "uhhh ok?"  I soon hear Rebecca's voice saying, "We see your relatives nearly every day can't we take a break?" I look at her and reply, "You're right we have been seeing them a lot I wonder why?"  I look at mom and  ask, "Who plans the family reunions?" Mom replies, "Aunt Janet." "That's why.," I say as I look at Rebecca. "No wonder, Brittney wants to try to make her moves every chance she can get.", Rebecca replies. I look at mom and say, "Tell her that I'm sick or tell her that Oliver is sick. Or any of us for that matter." "Ugh come on, Vic." She sighs. I glare at her and reply, "No, I'm not going."  Oliver appears in the doorway and says, "Come on Vic, you can flaunt off your ring to Brittney and tell her about how foust is a great husband, make her jealous." I glare at him and say, "I'm not the type of person to flaunt off stuff."  He sighs and replies, "well I don't know what to say."  I ask, "Besides aren't we supposed to not let anyone know about my true age?" He rolls his eyes and says, "You're eighteen you're an adult, you can do whatever the hell you want."  "If I'm an adult then I can choose not to go to the reunion and I refuse to go.,"  I reply.  Mom glares at Oliver and says, "You just made it worse."  Oliver sighs and replies, "Vic, come on, I will take you out of bed and you can go in your pj's." I roll my eyes and say, "I don't care." I sit up,  summon the scythe and glare at Oliver. He puts his hand up in the defense and says, "ok, ok calm down Vic." I smirk and reply, "Not so tough now are we?" I stare at Oliver. "How did you even get a scythe?" I hear him ask. I reply, "it's Foust's." He nods and says, " oh that's so cool."  I let it disappear and I snuggle back in bed. I feel my clothes change. I stare at provost and mutter, "why?" I get up and they both stare at me weird. Oliver asks, "uhhh how did your clothes change so fast?" I shrug and say, "I have no idea."  I get out of bed and go do my morning routine.  "I hate you, provy.," I mutter as I walk back to my room to go brush my hair. Provost appears and replies, "I love you too, Vic."  I walk out of my room and go downstairs.  I wait for everyone else to come downstairs. I sigh and start cursing under my breath. Soon everyone else comes downstairs, we go in the car and I ask, "Where is the reunion held?"  Oliver replies, "A park." Rebecca replies, "uhh ok?" Mom starts the car and we're off. The whole car ride is silent with the exception of the radio. We soon reach the park and we get out. As we get out I hear squealing. "You've got to be kidding me.," I say as I roll my eyes. I act as a buffer and glare at Brittney. I summon the scythe and say, "you better leave us alone." She gets scared and backs up. "I should've done this a long time ago if I had known it would scare her.", I mutter underneath my breath.  I hear mom's voice, "Victoria put the scythe away." "Hell no, this is fun.," I reply smirking. She sighs and says, "Victoria." I roll my eyes and reply, "fine, I'll put stardust away." I let the scythe disappear and smirk at Brittney. I walk towards Foust and hug his arm. Mom sighs and we walk to one of the many tables that have been put out in rows. I sit down and wait for foust to sit next to me. Once he does I start playing with his hair. "Why don't you go talk to your cousins, you two?" She asks as she stares at me and Oliver. Oliver who's sitting across from me on his phone replies, "Nah both of us would rather stay home." I nod and say, "Exactly, I don't know why you even make us go when you have to work, I have assignments to finish and Rebecca has to go to school." Mom laughs and replies, "Maybe if y'all wouldn't time travel so much you could stay on top of your assignments, Victoria." I look at her and say, "I need to have a little fun too, mom." She sighs and replies, "ok, ok fine, let's eat first then we can go home ok?" I roll my eyes and say, "I'd rather cook at home instead of eating here." "Well I'll pick something up when we leave ok?" she replies. I shrug and say, "ok."  As the day goes by, I get bored out of mind. "this is shitty I wanna go home." I mutter underneath my breath. I end up eating the food as a plate suddenly appeared on the table in front of me. "Thank you, Provost." I mutter underneath my breath. Soon everyone is saying their goodbyes and Brittney comes over, she walks over to Foust and smirks at me.  Rebecca walks in between them and says, "bye." I smile as we walk to the car. "Thanks, Rebecca." I say as we're walking. "You're welcome, Vic.", She replies.  We get in the car and are on the road again with Oliver dealing with the leftovers. Once home I go to my room, change into pj's and get my laptop out. "Time to start." I mutter as I boot it up.  For the rest of the day, I do my assignments. As night falls everyone goes to bed. I get up and go downstairs with my laptop along with laptop charger, phone, and phone charger.  I suddenly hear a loud noise, I look to the left of me and see my textbooks. "thank you, provost." I mutter. I continue working.   

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