Meeting Past Foust

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Disclaimer:I don't own any of the characters(except Victoria and Jessica) or places they belong to FiishFinity   

"Time to wake up Victoria." I hear provost whisper. I groan and say, "five more minutes, provost."  I inhale and something doesn't smell right, it doesn't smell of Jessica's room. I wake up and look around the room. Its a small room with a desk across the room scatter with papers. I get up from the hard bed. I look up at the ceiling and see support beams. "Where the hell am I?" I whisper. I sense someone coming . "Shit should I hide or.." I whisper when someone comes in.  I quickly fly up to one of the supporting beams when I see a guy with all black hair walk in mumbling to himself.  "who's that?" the thought passes my mind as I continue to stare at him. Provost says, "that's foust when he was younger." I whisper, "Wait we time traveled? How is that possible?" Provost says, "look around your neck." I see  an amber glass pocket watch necklace around my neck. I hold it up to look at it better. "what the hell?" I whisper.  The chain is somewhat long. Long enough to where I can look at it. Provost smirks and says, "what no thank you?" I glare at him and ask, "what is this, provost?" Provost says, "Can't you tell by looking at it its a pocket watch. But I add some features to it."   "Is this how I got here?", I whisper holding up the necklace. Provost nods and says, "yep." I whisper, "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you right now." Provost says, "well for one I can't die, number two you like me too much and that's all I got." I spat, "I don't like you instead I really think you should die."  Provost gives me a fake hurt look and says, "I'm hurt Victoria; I really am; I thought we had a friendship." I roll my eyes and sarcastically say, "yeah a friendship ha funny." Foust leaves the room and I sit on the beam. "How did he not notice me?" I whisper.  Provost says, "Because he's too busy." I raise a brow and say, "Too busy? Too busy doing what?" Provost shrugs and says, "Science stuff." I sarcastically reply, "That's helps me by telling me nothing."  He shrugs again. The whole day its mostly watching foust come in and out of his room most of the time he's sitting at his desk. "Poor foust is this what his whole day consist of?" I whisper. Provost says, "mostly." He smirks and says, "lets go forward in time a little shall we?" He grabs the pocket watch and  it starts glowing;I watch as everything goes in blur. He lets go, I look around me see that we're outside somewhere.  I see provost cut through foust's chest with a blade.  He smiles at me, I glare at him and scream, "you sick weird eyed fluffy haired weirdo!!" Provost smirks and says, "Goodbye Victoria see you soon." He snaps his fingers and the necklace starts glowing. Soon I'm teleported out of there and back into Jessica's room.

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